Woman posts cookies in food sub and gets praised for everything but the cookies

1  2021-02-15 by Sleepywalker69



Long fingernails are disgusting and no man likes them. Women only do it to impress other women.

I like long finger nails but to be fair I like trashy women.

EDIT: Found the post. NVM.

Most men dislike high heels too, unless they have a fetish.

Only manlets don't like them, heels show off the tone and definition of a woman's leg.

You only think it's a fetish because of the femdom cu*k porn you're addicted to.

Even manlets can appreciate heels if they stopped being so self-conscious about something they have no control over.

heels show off the tone and definition of a woman's leg

LOL, found the closeted gay man in denial.

Ok manlet

I'm 6'2", but whatever. Enjoy your fetish/denial.

They seriously just make their legs and asses look better, even if you've hit your growth spurt you still have manlet energy

No they don't. Heels make women's legs look more muscular and toned (AKA more masculine). They also make women appear taller (AKA more masculine). If you actually found the female body to be naturally attractive, then you'd understand that.

Why are you attracted to short and fat white women? Do you happen to be black by chance?

I admit I do like the soft curves that most women have, because you know, I actually like women.

I do like the soft curves that most women have

Hahaha and 67% of women are overweight, no amerifat in the past 20 years has mentioned about curves and not been talking about absolute hamplanets.

This man looks at 5'10" supermodels and yells through a mouthful of fries "you all look like disgusting men, real women have curves"

It's either that or it's your poorly suppressed homosexuality

Go suck a dick. I don't mean that as an insult, but rather a suggestion.

I think that's the real reason you're terrified of anything you perceive as masculine in a woman. You can keep telling yourself that those traps and drag queens are tricking you, but after the fifteenth time it becomes a little less believable.

Manlet is a state of mind


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Now you sound like ahr Short.

(which I'm sure you are)

That cookie is so mouthwatering.

Second most upvoted comment. Doesn't mean you're wrong though.

What subreddit even? There are a million food subs

Literally called food


God I miss linking

lmao fucking reddit. I thought I was going to see those ridiculous cat claw fake nails but I don't think it's that bad. It's a natural long nail but I did get some LOLs from the comments.

Most Redditors have never seen a natural fingernail, because they chew them off as soon as they regrow.

But yeah that obsession in the comments, i genuinely feel bad for the op

Looks like they y'alled a lot of comments but removeddit never forgets

[–]NWNightlife-11 points7 hours ago

Whoops. Burnt your fingers

[–]Akenrah-9 points14 hours ago

Since when does Blacula eat cookies?

[–]exscionewhuman-5 points9 hours ago

Didn't notice the cookie just noticed the fabled infinity claw

[–]greatatdrinking-1 points4 hours ago

I have no idea why this is on the front page. I don't want that cookie

[–]darling21 pointan hour ago

You know why

Dude cocaine lmao