Why wasn't I included in this decision??

1  2021-02-15 by ballrot

Anyone ( other than me ) get upset with your parents for training you out of pampers?? Why was I not informed of this decision?? Why wasn't my opinion asked?? This directly affects me after all!! Do know how much work I have to go through now to undo the damage you have done?? I was perfectly fine just the way I was! Thankfully, I'm almost back to where I was before your careless meddling into my voiding habbits! Next time, ask me before you alter my life in a way YOU want but I don't!! 😋

Stay wet,

Mia 🤗😘💓💕


Sad how far arr drama has fallen

Limping to the grave

My Allah strike me down for my blasphemy but lawlz and pizza are the only two people keeping this limping wreckage going

It's not a furry safe space

The venn diagram of furries and adbl types isn't a circle, but damned if it isn't close.

I'm glad I'm not the only one complaining about this kind of posting

This is literally a paradox. Mad at your parents for potty training you lmao. Like bitch that's the fucking point. It's taboo. If diapers were normal it wouldn't be your fucking fetish.


I can't believe they would put you through that much emotional labor, stay strong

I guess it's only natural for arrAntiHateCommunities content to bleed over into arrDrama. I truly wish I had the free time that you xeople have.

NTA, you were raised by narcissists, imposing their ideas of how they want to be on you. I hope you are coping well, dm me if you need any emotional support.