Weebs infuriated after pastor tells the TRUTH about Digimon

1  2021-02-15 by snallygaster


Is this Jack Chic's true identity?

Fuck this triggered something deep inside me. My Catholic parents thought it was a good idea to send me to a non-denominational fundamentalist Christian school for K-8. I heard so much bullshit like this on a daily basis. Pokemon, Digimon, Magic the Gathering, Harry Potter, even shit like Scooby Doo. All of it was of the devil. We were rewarded for "preaching" to "pagans" on field trips. I remember being excited for the "Dinosaur Man" to come to our chapel once a year and explain that radiocarbon dating was fake news, the upper atmosphere used to be a solid sheet of ice, and evolution was evil. Oh god.

Were all your parents decisions that poorly made?

Given the state of their lives right now I would have to say yes.

Granted, they did consider removing me and my brother from that school once they realized how crazy bananas it was. At that point I was like 12 years old and realized the bullshit for what it was, but I didn't want to leave my friends.


into digital nerdboards


save the digital


This makes me feel nostalgic for some reason

A simpler time when the Christcucks were worried about their children drawing a pentagram may mean their in a satanic cult, music lyrics need to be censored and labeled for suggestive words and cartoons that showed basically wholesome values separate from church was tempting children on the devils tube.

This is old school crazy.

By Berit Kjos woman from Norway

color me shocked.