This is sure to ruffle some feathers

1  2021-02-18 by Galatians_416


Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate that Black people are nearly three times as likely to be hospitalized because of COVID-19 as white people and nearly twice as likely to die from the illness.

so even the fent addled meth addicted rednecks survive the virus better than you. I don't get it. Is this some kind of weird flex?

Same crap diet and smoking habits as the cumskinned ruralcels but with a higher population density and historically worse lung health from living in urban shitholes instead of country shitholes.

If you drove through any of the nongentrified areas during the height of the lock downs or stopped at a gas station and paid attention to who wore masks vs who didn't going inside you'd also know that one group was as big, if not bigger, than the magatards concerning antisocial distancing and wearing a mask.

I really can't stand when the media cites numbers like this and just doesn't even put in literally any effort to find out why a disparity exists.

They're so interested in racial narratives they're incapable of being honest.

African American women have the highest rates of obesity or being overweight compared to other groups in the United States. About 4 out of 5 African American women are overweight or obese.

🤔🤔🤔 Must be systemic racism.

Muh food deserts.

Honestly though, food snobbery plays a huge role in keeping lean for me at least. The mere concept of buying a tub of mayonnaise, a plastic crate of deli meat, and a loaf of wonderbread repulses me, but I'd have all of that homemade. That standard makes it a very infrequent thing.

Bro chill out and drink your FDA approved and GRAS brominated vegetable oil.

Brominated is such a cool word.

Biden captured the Democratic presidential nomination and ultimately the White House with the strong support of Black voters.

I don't see the point of bringing this up. Are there any dem candidates ever elected without strong support from the Black voters?

Probably because of word minimums for articles, gotta fill them up somehow lol

Very few people realize that the black vote is always over 90% democrat. For various reasons people prefer the idea of a more independent electorate.

Most Black Americans favored reparations, 74%, compared with 15% of white Americans.

Shocking. I would have no idea unless they did this study.

Kinda surprising about the 26% who didn't want reparations though, do they hate free money ?

They probably realize the storm of absolute shit it would create.

I was surprised too lol. It was probably white people pretending to be black.

👨🏿‍🦲reparations? no thank you good sir👨🏿‍🦲

Surveys like that are heavily influenced by how they phrase the question.

For instance, if someone asked me "Do you think the American people owe you money because your great-great-grandparents were slaves?", I'd say "No". But if they asked "Hey, want some no strings attached cash from Uncle Sam?", you better believe that's a "Yes".

Because it sounds to good to be true. Few blacks learned that after the "free boat trip"

Not descendants of slaves maybe?

I mean, it's a poll in current year+6. Who knows? I'd think the opposition would be closer to the 5% or so of black people that vote Republican.

The only thing I can think of is that they are concerned it would be attached to a loss of much more beneficial things like affirmative action, anti-discrimination laws, and favorable treatment given to minority-owned businesses.

You don't need to be a republican to know reparations would be a complete disaster which would set back race relations for decades, just an IQ above 80.

race relations

Look around, that ship has sailed. We hit the peak of getting along during Obama's first term, and things have gotten exponentially worse in every way since 2012.

There is nothing good ahead of us. Anyone with an IQ above 130 can see there's nothing to be done aside from loot this country for the copper pipes.

Do you have a theory why relations got worse during Obama's terms? I mean I don't like the guy, but was he really THAT bad?

I think there are a lot of factors. Criticism of Obama was quickly labeled racism which escalated declarations of racism which I can promise you don't make people less racist. Then there is the fact that hatred of Obama likely did turn some people towards racism and got them thinking in a racial context. I think this heightened focus on race led to some things that exacerbated the problem like increased representation in television becoming an issue and some people wanting to stick it to the racists with things like the advertising pattern that Biden noted. And of course, I think the Internet is very much to blame. The rise of social media saw a lot of people exposed to the craziest sides of the left for the first time and they reacted to it with hostility, which was met with more hostility and so on. The fact that Obama phones added black people to the Internet in large numbers for the first time likely had a substantial impact on this. I could probably sit here for an hour and just list individual reasons.

But, one of the few conspiratoid ideas that I've picked up while researching and LARPing as a rightoid that I actually buy into a bit traces it back to Occupy Wallstreet. It just so happens that a lot of the more extreme racial stuff began being pushed there, by the people that ultimately destroyed it. And afterwards thats exactly what the left was fed.

After 2012 discussion of class and economics all but disappears. It's replaced almost entirely by race, sex, and LGBT conversations. You can actually track usage of terms like racism from 2012 onward and there is a huge sudden spike.

I believe that at least to some extent, the powerful use social issues to distract from economic ones. I think this has been done quite a bit and isn't limited to one side of the political spectrum, but I believe it went into overdrive at that point.

Plus, I mean, honestly it took a ton of work to get to that high point of acceptance. I know everything I watched, read, listened to, or was taught in school all pushed acceptance. It took a lot of work to make millenials so accepting, it doesn't take much at all to shift people back to their natural state of hating people who are different.

aarrrr drama, where ironically, you get more neutral political insight than any actual dedicated political sub or forum. Cheers for that.

traces it back to Occupy Wallstreet. It just so happens that a lot of the more extreme racial stuff began being pushed there, by the people that ultimately destroyed it. And afterwards thats exactly what the left was fed.

What was the racial overtone there - anti-minority, anti-white, anti-Jew or some combination of those three?

You can actually track usage of terms like racism from 2012 onward and there is a huge sudden spike.

There is where I may slightly take issue. I looked at Google trends, and it seems (rather than a spike) there's more of a gradual incline for the word "racist" starting from 2009 and nothing really significant for "racism". See: - I added in the purple years manually so you can more clearly the stats around those points.

racial overtones of Occupy Wallstreet

The progressive stack for speaking did a lot of damage from what I understand. Instead of leaders speaking, it devolved into arguments about who was more privileged as the stack would demand the less privileged be given speaking priority.

the trends

The information I've seen tracks usage in media rather than google trends. Terms like whiteness, intersectionality, and I think discrimination in US News. Use of terms like racism and white supremacy, and other shit from other papers.

Frankly, I'm shocked by those numbers. I'd think the percentage of white people in support of reparations would be much higher, closer to 25 or even 30%.

I wonder who all got lumped into white for these numbers. If they folded in Hispanics very liberally, it makes much more sense.

Imagine take the layup that is the Truмр Republican legacy, and even considering what would be the most controversial legislation passed in several decades.

Just wait until high school sports kicks in after the rona calms down and the 90% of the population who weren't aware of the heckin' valid executive order start hearing about all them records being set. That's a long term investment in drama stock there.

I’m 28 and I kinda want to claim to be T-Age and a T-Women. Just beat the everliving fuck out of zoomers half my age if they let me.

If you didn't play college sports yet, you can literally go back to school and take out your rage at your ex wife on field hockey teams.

I did not. And I actually dropped out at 21 when I got the chance to start at an entry level position with a huge company.

I’m currently going back online but maybe I should change that

Let me know where you're playing so I can place some bets.

Brilliant. Backing a study looks like action, doesn't commit to anything, and raises the blood pressure and maybe shortens the lifespans of burger-americans.

I support it too. I say we give a million to any surviving slaves.

Huh, suddenly this "taxation is slavery" idea makes a lot of sense to me.

I'd like my reparations thank you.

He's just doing this to give free money to his buddy Barack Hussein Obama

Outta curiosity, how much is the typical international relocation package 🤔

Aint these types of 'commissions' where ideas like this go to die anyways?

I support reparations but I think that Africans should be forced to fund them. We bought slaves from them fair and square, why should we pay for them the second time?

No, the descendants of slave owners should pay them!

Jefferson's bastards need to pay me my money.

How about we return you into the possession of the descendants of African slave-sellers and call it even? This is just a common sense, straightforward to implement solution.

I think you'd quickly end up with another Liberia situation.

No, you would end up with that 😁😂🤣

If you're suggesting that if I were forcefully sent to a less advanced nation I would brutally enslave them and found a third world shithole... Well, I mean thank you for believing in me.

Just give them casino licenses