“Personalized harassment as r FDS mod decides to make a transphobic rape joke comic targeting me entitled "wahmen can't have opinion unless touch my ****". And their mods are still spreading libel that r AHS and me are planting illegal material and rule-breaking content in other subs”

1  2021-02-18 by SandorClegane_AMA

Ask MasterLawlz to personally DM each of you the link, because he bears responsibility for this inconvenience.



the 🐟attack sub against a bunch of femcels

the best drama, where both sides deserve to lose

I'm rooting for our gal pals over at FDS. I wanna see how hard a bunch of xanax addled, barren-wombed wine aunts can bully the mentally ill.

Meh, different type of mentally ill. They're basically unbullyable - a few of them that engage with the outside world are actually quite resilient (lolcow wise), while the "I can't even" snowflakes just stay in the hugbox.

Nothing will happen. I did enjoy reading the rambling AHS effortpost with random inclusion of long history of TERFs, though.

They include the history of Terfs because they know all about them and want to show it off to their fellow 🅱️etards

You don’t understand, this is their life

Lol, typical r-slur being one day late posting this

I post drama. You post crossword puzzle clues.

Lol, nah, you posted the same thing, seeing as there is no link

Please let 2021 be the year we are allowed to link shame again. I'm about done having to read about people's gross fucking sex lives and then everyone acting like adult men shitting in diapers on purpose are a protected class.

I think you mean kink shame, friendo

I would never kink shame even if I was allowed.

Have the whities over at AHS pulled the BIPOC card yet?

Never mind the mayos - do we have any evidence that any of them (other than the obvious) are actually train-enthusiasts? Oppression Olympics wise, that would be the card to pull.

Nothing wrong with being a brocomotive.

I like how a voice of reason there points out how r-slurred the idea of being a “female exclusive bisexual” is, only for our good friend to jump in ackshually it