It’s take me a long time to admit this but I think everyone here knew for a long time

1  2021-02-19 by HodorTheDoorHolder__

I love Margot Price and no, her nose doesn’t bother me one bit. I imagine the softness of her pink lips on mine as her perfectly fine nose noticeably rubs against my own nose and it’s not even a big thing to think about. Her angelic voice has such an amazing range from her throaty lows to her completely normal, nasally highs that she belts out across her powerful discography. Maybe our paths will cross one of these days. Who nose? Not me. Anyway, she’s great and I love her singing.


I support you man. It takes a lot of courage and inner strength to admit something like this.

Grace Potter>>>>>>>>>Margot Price

I’ll check her out thanks

Had to look her up and god damn that is a serious fucking nose

Margo price the country singer?


Does she look like a reptile who just bit into something sour, like that other country singer this subreddit go nuts for?

liking country

Easy with the anti-semitism there, hoss.