The letter comes after Old Spaghetti Factory had held tenancy at the location for 40 years and had rights to the space until the end of December 2035.
So, technically speaking, landchad can't really just randomly decide to cancel it, or renegotiate, for no reason. Unless the rentoid did something to make the lease void in the first place, and getting bombed is unlikely to be written into the agreement as a reason for eviction...
1 idio3 2021-02-19
Article doesn't make sense. Were rentoids not paying or something? What was the reason for lease cancellation?
2 heretobefriends 2021-02-19
I don't think it's been disclosed, but if it's something juicy I'll post an update thread.
1 Osterion 2021-02-19
The landchad is going to offer a new lease at a rate the spaghetti boys can't afford
1 idio3 2021-02-19
Right, but the article says that:
So, technically speaking, landchad can't really just randomly decide to cancel it, or renegotiate, for no reason. Unless the rentoid did something to make the lease void in the first place, and getting bombed is unlikely to be written into the agreement as a reason for eviction...
1 Osterion 2021-02-19
That's what the spaghetti boys think. I doubt this news channel has read the lease.
1 idio3 2021-02-19
Well, rentoids have been known to be able to oppress landchads if given the opportunity (even going so far as mockingly naming their structure "Lord's", smh).
1 IraqiLobster 2021-02-19
Maybe if they didn’t get bombed the rent pics could pay up
1 -M-o-X- 2021-02-19
Nothing of value was lost.
1 red1dragon588 2021-02-19
It’s being replaced by an Olive Garden
1 IraqiLobster 2021-02-19
Progress 💪
1 ChapoDestroyer 2021-02-19
I like restaurants that don’t get bombed.