Destiny 2 maker Bungie forced to apologize and remove N@z! slogan

1  2021-02-19 by WarSanchez


Its all so tiresome.

So happy I blocked the destiny game subs from my feed, what a bunch of deranged consoomers. omg, I wonder how they are not keeping themselves safe at even higher rates. I blame the modern medicalized psychiatry for turning an entirely self-correcting problem into what we have here.

That article is so poorly written. It’s not even trying to be impartial. It reads like a blog post.

This is the journalism g*mers deserve.

literally scouring every facet of something desperate for a reason to be offended.

I happen to play this particular spaceshit game. (hate on me all your want idgaf) and I'm certain neither the artist who made this nor the community at large has any fucking clue what kekistan even is or why smooth brains like the dutiful games "journalist" here thinks it is.

That being said I can't disagree at removing it as just let the gibbering mental patients at resetera get a whiff of this and they'll jerk themselves raw at another opportunity to bitch on the internet about something that is otherwise completely pointless and meaningless.

Lol the space fascist faction has a reference to nazism who’d of thunk it.

They prefer their fascism multiculti friendly

Homofascism iis where it’s really at tho

