Nassim Taleb just explained what conservatism should be vs what it is.

1  2021-02-20 by __TIE_Guy


Bonus he shreds Dinesh D'souza

Positions or ban

Shit tier agenda post 😴😴😴

I don't need a twitter circle jerk devoid of drama to tell me D'Souza is rеtarded.

I'm impressed with his "actually cruz going to cancun is a good thing" rationale though.

He would have been better off saying "who fucking cares? he can go wherever he wants." Still dumb, but then he'd only be an asshole instead of an asshole that's bad at rationalizing.

His justification about resources was hilarious and asinine.

Right? I was just talking to a friend about it and we're standing in awe of it. There should be a word for this sort of lazy partisanship that nobody could actually buy. It's almost hackery, but that would almost imply he could occasionally excrete a competent take.

Also, you have to love the implication that texas would just be better off if Ted left.

LoL I didn't even think of that. Texas would be better off if Ted wasn't there. Oh man. Seriously God Help Texans and the American people, they deserve better than these dummies.

Upper class leisure habits that are made possible by globalism is good actually. Neocons are cucks tho I'm not a neocon don't call me a neocon MOM.

It's even better: op is a leaf that simps for AOC. They're on WSB all the time talking about being from Canada.

Gimme a quick rundown on Zodiac Ted please. Why do people hate on him, he looks like a friendly hobo?

Yes. A hobo that will blast that bussy with sweet talk and deception.

So every politician then?

*Bernie, AOC, the Squad, otherwise yes.

Aren't you a leaf who is so indoctrinated by the reddit that you simp for the ones who lie the most? AOC is the queen of false promises and jumping on any bandwagon that will get her in the spotlight.

I am the sage of Bussy that was promised.

Even worse, he's a delusional GME bagholder

Yup that's how I noticed he was a leaf. I stop by there to read the cope and low and behold there's a dramatard unironically sucking gme cock.

I wasted a year of my life thinking taleb was a genius

I think he is. Doesn't mean he is right about everything.

my dick is a black swan event

That is a nice way of saying "I have aids".

Why don't you like the guy anymore?

lindy posters ww@

No drama, but upvoted anyway because Taleb is bae.
