Is there a drama discord can i get an invite

0  2021-02-21 by Violent_Yet_Polite

Title post. I wanna talk time machine in real time. PM me fams


God I hope not, this place is bad enough as it is.

Fucking degenerate

Discord is for pedophiles.

Are you back on your meds yet sweetie?

not rn

I mean this with love, your quality of life will probably improve if you get back on them. I know mine does.

Maybe it's time. Thanks for the support. probably right

Callate Puta!


If you want to see wasted lives 🎵

Discord is no doubt where to do it 🎵

If you want some more drama, brew it 🎵

Dodging the real world? 🎵

That's how to do it 🎵


ok I get it first rule of drama is there is no drama