Mild drama when I suggest to SRD-lite that the arab gussy they coom to isn't the most credible person out there, check my profile etc etc

1  2021-02-22 by Galatians_416

Not a lot of drama posted here lately so I did my best


kinda yikes that they’re going after a traumatized woman

Words have lost all meaning

It was around 2014 it happened.

Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


  1. Mild drama when I suggest to SRD-li... -,*

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Here's the thing I suspect about most redditors: a vast majority of them have no real significant relationships so they come here for companionship. Their worship of literal whores who screw for money is, in their own sad way, of having a quasi-romantic relationship with the gussy they jerk themselves off too. The influx of the sex workers on this site is because they realized that there is a ton of weak willed lonely manchildreb who are more than willing to pay $20 a month to view their lewds. So the valid sex workers prey on that like the bottom of the barrel predators they are. Same thing with all the twitch f🤮IDs.

I don't think women are that confident, I do think however they follow trends. Just like how it was cool to drink Starbucks, or buy lulu lemon 'yoga' pants, and do 'yoga'.

NASCAR is so inferior to Formula 1, it's pathetic. Just look at what women are doing in that league

Oh shit I thought this post was alluding to this, whoopsies

It’s not too late to make a new post