Supreme Court Won't Halt Turnover of Daddy's Tax Records

1  2021-02-22 by Galatians_416


Funny thing about this, the main cause for the audit that Father keeps using as an excuse to not show his tax returns was a ~$70 million rebate he got due to Obama era tax policies which has been rumored to be critical to his financial stability during the election season in 2016.

"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


  1. Supreme Court Won't Halt Turnover o... -,*

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I wonder how big an impact the SC not siding with conservatives will have on their "always vote republican for judges" mantra they've used to bring the entire conservative base in line every election cycle.

Every conservative I know was fully convinced the SC would hand the election to Trump, protect Trump from all investigations, and abolish abortion right off the bat.

They've since turned to claiming the conservative justices are actually liberal plants.

The court is doing exactly what they are supposed to do, acting as an independent branch of government.

Really, the only people who expected the justices to do all the things you just mentioned are the libs. It's why they went berserk on kavanaugh and keep talking about packing the court.

Why do you guys just repeatedly lie and try to warp reality about why people believe x thing?

Trump literally campaigned on putting in place judges that would overturn roe v wade.

Some of his most rabid supporters claimed they would overturn the election for him.

Roe was a bad decision. It should be overturned, which will piss off the left. Then abortion should be made legal by an amendment, which will piss off the right. We win both ways.

Mandatory, not just legal

All rightoids born after 1992 can’t make arguments. All they know is cope, seethe about t-slurs, worship Father, post wojak, and lie.

Do you need me to pull out the hundreds of left wing media claiming with zero evidence that the supreme court was going to do all those things you claimed? Cuz I'm not going to do that. But there were countless fearmongering articles on it leading up to the election. I'm sure you could find them yourself.

I for one am shocked the media reported the things conservatives said.

How completely shocking and unfair.

How dare the media report the things conservative pundits and candidates are saying.

Is conservatism like some form of mental disability where you people are incapable of taking responsibility for your own actions?

Literally saw a blog post today claiming liberals made people storm the capitol, now you're here trying to attack the media for reporting things conservative leaders say.

Literally none of the articles were quoting conservatives. Also none of the conservative leadership said the nonsense you spouted above, so there'd be nothing to quote.

The articles were pure fear mongering based on nothing.

You'd know this if you bothered to actually read them instead of running your mouth.

But if you were capable of rational thought, you wouldn't be a lib so it's not surprising.

How are you this dumb dude? A central talking point of conservative pundits and thought leaders for MANY YEARS has been how they're going to overturn roe v wade.

Conservative politicians in every single state they control have passed illegal anti-abortion laws that were only struck down because conservatives did not have enough religious hacks on the bench to let them through.

Trump himself campaigned, in 2016, on how he was going to appoint judges to overturn roe v wade:

“I will protect it. And the biggest way you can protect it is through the Supreme Court and putting people on the court. I mean actually the biggest way you can protect it, I guess, is by electing me president,” Trump said.

“So you’re going to get a judge who would overthrow, overturn Roe v. Wade that’s the specific thing you’re going to do?” O’Reilly asked.

“Well overturn or overturn, look I’m going to put conservative judges on,” Trump said.

Would you now like me to go into the many hundreds of conservative pundits that pushed the false narrative the SC were going to hand the election to Trump?

We can do that if you'd like. To sit here and claim that the media is somehow to blame for this - when literally all the media has done is report the actions and words of conservative leaders is a level of profound fucking stupidity I have not encountered in at least 2 years.

Tbf Kavanaugh has more rape accusations than Kevin Spacey yet we don’t see Kevin Spacey on the SC.

running a rape gang train through his high school

crazy shit

K O B A Y A S H I ‘ D

Lol seriously. When will they learn?

Every conservative I know

uh huh

The conservatives I have on Facebook mostly really are that r slurred, but I know it's probably just a loud minority

but I know it's probably just a loud minority

As someone from an overwhelmingly rightoid state who works with and talks to trump supporters daily I can say that for the republican voter base at least it is not a loud minority, its the majority. Most of the people who vote republican down here don’t give a shit about anything except guns and abortion and they correctly know that the courts are the main way to get what they want in that regard.

As somebody who lives among them, why do you think rural r-slurs haven't figured out how to do honor killings yet?

They already have all the guns, and they want to prevent abortions. It's so obvious, but it's like they can't make the mental leap that even the street-shitters figured out decades ago.

Too busy ODing on fentanyl to use their guns. Though to be serious I’m almost certain that if the average ruralcel knew they could get away with it then there would almost certainly be a massive increase in honor killings, these people fetishize the fuck out of killing people and getting away with it.

From the 50s on the religious right in the country believed whole heartedly that their views were being surpressed by courts that were liberal so went on to create an almost coexistent ecosystem of legal thought they tried to wedge into the courts via judges. Turns out they are pretty stupid and their carefully constructed legal thinking were so bad and insane that those judges continued to rule against them nearly consistently.

It's like a beer league team getting their own ref against an NBA team and stewing in absolute $eethe because they continue to get dunked on all the time.

I'd rather have the court rule by the letter of the law and give Trump the shaft than have the sort of partisan court that makes dumb decisions for political reasons.

I mean that might be you, but I suspect it isn't the case for most conservatives given the number of "the judges are deep state agents" FB memes I've seen.

A modern day Al Capone. Nothing sticks until the tax man cometh. No one escapes the tax man.
