The Muppet Show: Disney+ adds content warning of 'negative depictions of cultures'

1  2021-02-23 by Galatians_416


It’s all so tiring hearing idiots complain so they can get 15 mins of fame.

At least it’s just a warning and they didn’t change anything. I thought removing DDRs scene from home alone was fucking stupid.

Hopefully the warning will at least become the norm if we must appease these mouth breathers. I’d hate for shit to get whitewashed over time and ninja edited like they did with old spongebob episodes.

God I hope for nothing more than wokies to fall in a pit of aids infested punji sticks.

What did they do to my boy squichbob

Idk your age but I’m old enough to have watched it from day 1 as a kid. So depending on whenever the fuck they changed this, you may not even realize.

Here’s original scene

Here’s the scene now

Why they did this, who knows? Is the pulsating heart unsightly, is the implication too strong for moldable minds, is homofacism finally taking over?

No matter the reason these stealth edits piss me the fuck off.

Ob no, they'd better not have messed with the toenail scene. I feel like that should be essential viewing for all children under age 10.

Your second link is just a YouTube edit.

This scene is the only one I can think of that they changed.

is homofacism finally taking over?

G*d I wish.


I thought removing DDRs scene from home alone was fucking stupid.

Wasn't that the bee?


It was a hoax however

Bork bork bork.

A Reddit user has gone through each of the 18 episodes to offer opinion on why the content warning has been added.

Modern day journalism is now linking to reddit opinion posts. I can't wait for the embedded tiktoks in articles!

They already do that and have been quoting furries on twatter for 3 or 4 years now.

I’m sure the Swedes aren’t offended


They put the lime in the coconut and shook it all up just want to protect the children and stuff.

If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


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