The only vidya game released by Google's game studio hasn't been working on their streaming platform Stadia for weeks -- but Google fired all their code monkeys, so there's nobody to fix it. Look in my profile for a comment on a whole thread of gaymer tears

1  2021-02-23 by Galatians_416


That sub has been coping hard the last few weeks, it's quite entertaining. I feel like we can now safely assume that stadia is going to be added to the list of "killed by Google" products soon. My bet is in the next three to six months.

Every Google-related sub hates Google.

I mean, who doesn't? They're not as bad as Facebook yet but they're running quick to catch up.

They're already Facebook. You just get a little less data-selling and a little more moralizing.

I added it to the list before it was released. It sucked and everyone knew it would suck.

that game sucks tho. i regret buying it on steam tbh