Man yells out “What are you going to do? Shoot me?” before stealing $200,000 worth of Chanel goods.

98  2021-02-23 by busslordlowkeybussin


He’s a good boy, ain’t do nothin. Finna go back to schoo.

Spencer — who has 32 prior arrests, including 15 felonies, according to law enforcement sources — will appear in federal court in the Sunshine State Monday.

Just another victim of systemic racism smh. White privilege is alive and well, y’all

This doesn't count towards reparations btw. 40 acres and a mule pay up white boi.

worth of Chanel goods

worth of women's clothing and accessories*


Basically worthless then

Real men wear Dior, darling.

200,000 price tag, 30 dollars tops manufacturing.

Should have let him off the hook. The store probably has insurance, anyway.

I hope that this is the end. r/Drama has a unique way of bringing out the worst in people. It really does, I think. The dynamic here is just so fucking toxic and it turns people into the worst possible people they can be.

Drama is an addiction. It should be classified as something more like heroine or meth than a game.

The legacy of Drama has been written large in blood, quite literally. Several Drama posters have committed mayocide, and this place enabled their downward spirals. u/DarqWolff's insanity was made far worse by this place. I've come to the conclusion that the internet, as a social platform, was a mistake.

It radicalizes people by isolating them with other people just like them and so they spiral into the worst versions of themselves. Drama made me a worse person, and it's made most of you worse people. It's been the breeding ground of pedophile groomers, alt-right killers, and suicidal narcissists. This place is a total fucking shithole and I spent three years of my life that I'll never get back immersed in it. It was a total waste and I'm going to regret this period of my life for the rest of my existence as will most of you.

Even the most moral people have been made worse for being here. I think that the fundamental issue with Drama is that due to the way reputations work, betrayal, secret cabals, two-faced bs, and bad faith negotiation isn't just prioritized, it's the only effective way to operate. Being a huge piece of shit to everybody around you and tearing them down like crabs in a bucket isn't just a viable strategy, it's actually the only viable strategy once Drama reached a certain size. It's all just a bunch of assholes circlejerking over how bad all the other assholes are, because it's impossible to do anything else short of outright genociding anybody who poses any sort of threat to Drama's security and dominance.


  1. Man yells out “What are you going t... -,*

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Snappy this is the only place I can be my true insane self without being committed again. I need Drama boo.

Spencer — who has 32 prior arrests, including 15 felonies, according to law enforcement sources — will appear in federal court in the Sunshine State Monday.

lmao good ol' Ft Lauderdale. I miss getting pulled over for speeding and as the cop is walking away I'm on the phone with my lawyer to let him deal with it and get it dropped so I never have to worry about it or do anything. I've had probably a dozen speeding tickets and never paid for one of them.