Man gets the 2 for 1 blacked and cucked combo. DM's get leaked and he gets promptly cancelled.

136  2021-02-23 by busslordlowkeybussin


Twitter do your job

I think anyone who types this should be barred from holding any employment in the future.


Who am I kidding, these people don't have jobs.

It should be a criminal offence



That's one of the best ones.

Saying that shit like it's a bad thing smgdh

The Instagram link in that link is real juicy too. Apparently the may0 cheated on his girl before and he's literally like "Yea but that's no excuse".

Toxic relationships are wild from the outside looking in.

> calling the man who cucked you an f-slur.

Imagine being this down on yourself.

Edit: Wait, scratch that. They weren't even dating? This isn't even cuckoldry. This is just being a whiny little bitch.

One time I had cheated on an ex with another girl and told that girl I wouldn’t date her because I was already with another girl. That girl then started dating another guy and I had the audacity to be jealous lol. People can be stupid when it comes to feelings of love and sex.

Sounds like you were double booking DICK APPOINTMENTS. Never a good plan.

Wait they weren't? I didn't get to that part.

One of my friends is like this. He cheated on his GF like 9 times and then she cheated on him and he lost his mind, went crazy.

I said to him "but you cheated on her many times" and he said "she cheated on me on my birthday!!" as if that somehow erased the fact he cheated on her 9 times.

One of my friends

Did you have to specify that, to insinuate that you have multiple friends?


Which word of what I said did you fail to understand?

Do you have some kind of mental disability?

no, u?

The more these trash take each other out of the dating pool the better, it's too bad they broke up

Women are such shit,and little tatletales too boot.

so, he fucks other girls and he's mad that she decided to fuck the kind of dude he hates most? what other outcome was he expecting?


ownership is all that matters in today's world. get with the times boomer.

Blacked, cucked, flac'd, chucked.

The circle of life is a beautiful thing.

Losing your girl hurts. Spazzing out in a way that will be recorded forever for public shaming hurts more and is r-slurred


lmao, he looks like ben shapiro, but if you squished his head but his hair rebounded.

He has lost his future over some gussy. I would like to know who is she.

Twitter should have responded, "not your personal army."

But it's twitter, that's literally what they are.

idk why but I legit LOL'd at this ragetext. It's hilarious.

not a day goes by that i don't thank the good lord for allowing me to go through high school and college with no smartphones or social media

Cucks gonna be cucked lol

Tfw no archive

Snappy where are you i need you please help