Nick Fuentes' blackface-streaming catboy ex-boyfriend gets raided by the feds, but NOT for CP, he swears!

117  2021-02-23 by fujiste


Should I know or care about these peeps?

Nick Fuentes was a right wing internet meme Kardashian with the shelf life of baked botulism. He fucked a cat-eared femboy who literally does not matter in any way.

a cat-eared femboy who literally does not matter in any way.

This is teenage-Russian-Nazi erasure 😾

Not mattering is his authentic lived experience.

Degenerates I see


Should I know

Yes because they are the best kind of drama.

or care

Lol no


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Apparently he got raided and jacked up by some American G-men a few weeks back for having taken part in promoting the "ins*rrection," and they confiscated all of his devices as evidence. Then he was subsequently doxxed by his former friend, some other wignat streamer, and now is trying to fundraise $10,000 from his Russian simps for a "prize fight" between them.

Wow, the failed coup attempt really amped up the intra right-wing tensions.

The fed-versus-fed fingerpointing is always my favorite part of these meltdowns.

I feel like if you find yourself in an ideological sphere in which accusations of being a fed are commonplace you should do some self-reflection and find a new ideology.

Idk what this has to do with literally anything said here.

Judging people's ideology by whether or not FBI finds it subversive is peak rétardation.

Not really, chances are if the FBI is watching you it's because you're engaging in some form of extremism, which is absolutely the case in relation to Fuentes and his gang.

This isn't the 1960s and the feds aren't watching you for no reason.

I don't know anything about some fringe rightoids, but your sweeping status-quo worshipping statements are ridiculous as fuck, as usual.

No, feds don't get to decide which ideology is valid and which is extremist. It's obvious to most people, except for neoliberal ghouls such as yourself.

Oh, and you don't know what feds are doing, because it's obviously secret. The only reason we know they were creepy in the 60s, is because we know what they were doing in the 60s. Duh.

The feds don't decide which ideology is extremist, they simply watch extremists.

These aren't "fringe rightoids" and they are absolutely extremists.

The feds are doing exactly what they are supposed to do - deal with domestic terrorists and extremists.

And we do know the feds are watching them, because they've been openly plotting terrorist attacks for years, and many of them were involved in a failed coup attempt very recently.

The point is, the only people you see making "fed accusations" are unhinged extremists, either left or right-wing.

It's common on incel forums too.

The feds don't decide which ideology is extremist, they simply watch extremists.

Brilliant. That's actually kind of a perfect display of your lunacy condensed into one sentence. Thank you!

How are these people not extremists?

Do you really want to debate if neo-nazis are extremists?

Dude, I know nothing about these people. Like at all. This is my first time hearing about them.

All I'm arguing with is your ridiculous "you don't have to worry about surveillance if you aren't doing anything dodgy" style lunacy. The amount of trust you place into glowies deciding what is appropriate is frankly terrifying.

Really weird man, because I've been online for a long time and never once felt the need to call someone a fed or suspect the feds were watching me.

I get you're a poorly educated anti-establishmentarian that bases your entire worldview on conspiracy theories and dunning-kruger, but the feds are not watching you if you are not involved in some form of extremism.

I suggest you crawl on over back to stupidpol where the average IQ is 60 and stop trying to argue with your betters.

Of course they're not watching you - they already see your head bobbing up and down on their cock.

Based on what exactly? I have been openly critical of the government my entire adult life.

Seriously, if the feds are watching people such as yourself for no reason - why are they only doing so to political extremists?

Who are these non-extremists being watched?

Even the out-dated example you presented was them watching extremists, as in people openly plotting to kill police officers.

Who gets to decide what is a "political extremist"? Glowies themselves? What uniquely qualifies them to decide that?

There are objective metrics by which we can conclude something is extremist. You're seemingly trying to make some dumb argument about how extremists aren't actually extremists and pretending people such as yourself are deemed extremists arbitrarily by law enforcement.

So one more time? Who are these non-extremists? Give me an example.

Fred Hampton, Martin Luther King, Muhammad Ali, Ernest Hemingway, off the top of my head. Do you need some more?

I can't give you most recent examples, because I don't fucking know who they're targeting. From the times that we do know - they were targeting everyone who seemed inconvenient to the ruling oligarchy.

You're convenient, nobody cares about your random rants about a fascist takeover.

How are you this stupid man?

How was Fred Hampton not an extremist?

How was Muhammad Ali, a member of an extremist racial hate group not an extremist?

And why do you keep trying to cite very old examples, why can't you cite any relevant examples?

Do you always ask questions that have just been answered? Is that how you demonstrate your superiority?

Is nation of Islam an extremist hate group?

Not really, no. And Muhammad Ali was certainly not plotting any terrorist attacks.

I can not express how absolutely absurd you are if you think nation of Islam is not a hate group.

It's the black KKK.

And I cannot express how absolutely absurd you are if you think Fred Hampton is an extremist terrorist. His most notable action was brokering a non-aggression pact between Chicago street gangs.

"We got to face some facts. That the masses are poor, that the masses belong to what you call the lower class, and when I talk about the masses, I’m talking about the white masses, I’m talking about the black masses, and the brown masses, and the yellow masses, too. We’ve got to face the fact that some people say you fight fire best with fire, but we say you put fire out best with water. We say you don’t fight racism with racism. We’re gonna fight racism with solidarity. We say you don’t fight capitalism with no black capitalism; you fight capitalism with socialism"

Yeah, that's all he was doing eh? Just uniting the street gangs?

Say, why don't you tell the class why he was uniting all of those people.

Because he correctly saw that racial and ethnic conflict among gangs would only keep their members entrenched in poverty.

We aren't talking about if he was justified or not. The man and his gangs openly declared war on the Chicago police department.

Oh, you've gone all "blue lives matter" all of the sudden?

No, I view the police as absolute filth. I'm not taking a stance on how justified he or his gangs were, I'm pointing out he openly declared war on the police department.

"off the pigs" is not a slogan of peace. By every definition of the word, he was an extremist, part of a militant group.

No, I view the police as absolute filth. I'm not taking a stance on how justified he or his gangs were, I'm pointing out he openly declared war on the police department.

Okay, great. Take that in, figure out what this means. Got it?

Now let me quote you a certain great Philosopher:

I feel like if you find yourself in an ideological sphere in which accusations of being a fed are commonplace you should do some self-reflection and find a new ideology.

- Pizza, 5 hours ago. Further down this very thread.

Do you literally just not understand what the term extremist means?

I literally just submitted your ACAB comment using so you're now an extremist, by definition. Expect further good things!

You are completely delusional.

I won't be radicalized by your extremist bullshit.

You have been fucking crushing it this week.

we're two "continue threads" deep into the forbidden zone

What if the real feds were the friends we made along the way.

cp, drugs, or weapons take your pick

This is what happened when you're with a shit top

Fuentes absolutely bottoms and you know it.


literally just Ben Shapiro with slightly higher testosterone and maybe a foreskin

I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


  1. Nick Fuentes' blackface-streaming c... -,*

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Can I PLEASE fuck Catboy Kami?

I fucked him first

Hey Nick.

I’ll take seconds. Idgaf, sis.