Is zero a number, or not? Believers in imaginary money fight with butt-loving locals over the truth of incredible 0% down

14  2021-02-23 by JimieWhales


Zero is where I'm headed. Me and Action Rat gonna fuck up the whole as x approaches zero routine real quick. Fuck discreet intigers, imaginary numbers in this bitch.

Fuck em up AR 🐀🔫

Don't go into battle with cold feet. If you and your murine associate are planning to blow the socks off these Pythagorean posers, be sure to stop off and get 50% off socks at




Blesséd chain! We are destined to fuck these euclidian losers up as ordained by our right and proper god at the end of time

Oh no they're r-slurred. Next they'll be arguing about how many days are in a week.

I may have commented in this thread.

This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


  1. Is zero a number, or not? Believers... -,*

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