Study proves that far-right and far-left extremists are mentally r-slurred to the point that they're incapable of completing "complex cognitive tasks"

254  2021-02-24 by HodorTheDoorHolder__


Post like that always boils down to "hurr hurr, I am such a free thinker, unlike those simpletons!"

Give me a break. Let's not kid ourselves; we're all rslurs here.

You’re missing the forest for the trees here. You can use this scientific proof that centrism is the only path to enlightenment.

I doubt Hitler's henchmen were mentally r-slured. Evil perhaps, but not stupid.

The far right encompasses quite a few beliefs, some of which there is heavy disagreement internally. Some go crazy on religion. Some blame EVERYTHING that goes wrong on the jews. Others are ultra capitalistic and don't want any welfare or taxes. And others still just care about global demographic replacement or crime stats. I think the researchers need to be a LITTLE more focused and at least narrow it down.

To be fair, the same probably goes for the far left too. I doubt Stalin and his henchmen were stupid. Some of the far left just hate whites, some just hate capitalists or the rich.

People who use the word "centrism" (ironically or not) are the most r-slured of all, bless their precious little heads.

I think you might be confused about what r-slurred means. It doesn't mean that you're rad or righteous or rich. It means your mom "wanted to focus on her career" for a couple decades before she had you.

I know what r-slurred means. It means you've been fully vaccinated.

Are you trying to claim that radical centrists aren't rslurred too? In know we're more fun but like...

Being a centrist doesn't preclude you from being an extremist. A radical centrist who aggressively and totally advocates for the middle policy on most every issue without putting significant thought into what that may result in would probably also fall into the the study's findings.

The fuck is wrong with you? You know what sub this is? Why are you seriousposting?

Half of arr-science nowadays is nothing but "conservatives dumb amirite upvotes to the left".

Sounds like rslur cope to me

as people who are dogmatic tend to be impulsive but also slow to process perceptual information

So look, for real and all drama aside: this for sure describes me so how did I escape it? I don't have a lot of pride but I know I'm not dogmatic. About anything, I don't think.

Maybe I'm just dogmatic about my easy-going nature...? I'm trying to self-reflect here.

We all have a dogma in each of us. We wouldn't be able to function properly without one.

I think it is only a problem when you just can't cope when your dogma is given the slightest challenge. If you find yourself not really riled up by almost anything, especially when it goes against your belief, I think you would be fine.

You avoided it because the traits they're attributing to these people don't reflect the traits they actually have. Every single field that produces these studies is just an ideology with an "I love SCIENCE" sticker and tenure. They're not reproducible and they're conducted on college students that get bonus points for showing up with an outcome in mind.

rslur-ed Asian man

flair appropriating white supremacist

Choose wisely pepper. Which one is you? The first doesn't exist in my experience, and the later is grounds for cancelation.

The first doesn't exist in my experience

I browse, and post on, arr drama, which one do you think I am? And first time I hear my flair is appropriating White Supremacist.

I post here, so I assume you're some sort of hyper-competent degenerate.

Sure. We'll go with that.


use smal wurds thank yoo


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fuck you you're not even a person

I'm somewhat of an extremist myself 😎

Well then you’re an idiot according to this scientific study.

I'm trying to go on a time crusade, of course I'm an idiot. Still feels real to me 🤷🏿‍♂️

Oh yeah I forgot. Good luck with that!

🖖🏿 live long and prosper

Are you the guy who said they were going off their meds for a bit?

Yes. Almost time to go back on. I hate losing my superpowers but they're really just mania.

Maybe the real super powers were the mania we experienced along the way. Tends to only work for boring shit like art and writing, but hey.

See other discussions to find people trying to deny this scientific breakthrough because they probably can't complete complex cognitive tasks. Or look at a comment I made a bit earlier.

Are they sure they didn't just fuck up this study because 90% of everyone is r-slurred, and so obviously extremists are mostly r-slurs?

Most psychology majors are too rarted to properly do statistics, so it wouldn't surprise me if they fucked up their pee-values for this just to get a cool paper in reputable journalism like

You won't believe what this psychology professor puts in her study! [CLICK HERE]

Yeah but the things I agree with aren't wrong

I'm waiting for the unironic arm bands on either side for my clown world bingo card.

If psychology were a real field this might be relevant.

If a study is gonna focus on the difference between outliers (extremists) and average people, you’re gonna need a larger sample size than 522.

Not in psychology bud. It's a giant meme field where they reach wild conclusions based on bad data and can never replicate any of it.

Lmfao you right

Explained plebbit well.

Never understood why you'd follow a politician just because of a blue or red label instead of looking into their opinions on certain important issues.

N= 552 phase 1 (actual testing)

N= 334 phase 2 (survey response)

Interesting but also needs peer review and retest ability with a larger sample.

lol wut

Science not over yet.

No surprise, their leader needed two hands to pick up a glass of water.

The actual study is only on far right extremists.

No it isn’t if you actually read it. There’s an earlier study that the current study references that is about conservatives being scaredy cats irl. The current study explains the difference of r-slurredness between all of the political, religious, and patriotic extremists but they clearly state that all extremists are r-slurred. Read the first couple pages of the study and you’ll see what I mean.

If you bothered even reading the abstract then you would know that this study was about rightoids. The only thing that was classified as extremism that could be for leftoid extremism would maybe have been extreme pro-group attitudes and dogmatic thinking. Everything else was testing for rightoid views.

The extreme pro-group attitudes and dogmatic thinking section was clearly about left wing and right wing extremists. Read it again sweaty.

What about radical centrists tho


Wait a gosh darn second, are you trying to imply that my sides r-slurs are more r slurred than the other sides r slurs? Seems heckin racist to me.


The study was just far right actually

They have to include both the far-left and the far-right but we all know which ones they're really talking about.