The TikTok nurses strike back

51  2021-02-24 by fujiste


It looks staged.


The dog’s actions make me think so too

The camera position so it captures the dude walking up, how he tries to " intimidate" her , the dog not responding because he's not a stranger, and the cartoonish final kick in the ass at the end clearly show it's staged.

Bro what kind of rapist slowly walks in the back door and smiles as he walks towards you with his arms out.

Literally just a blatant fake tiktok stunt.

The dog just standing there as he breaks in and then she beats the shit out of him cracks me up.

It honestly would be even funnier if the dog wasn't even hers and was just a roaming stray slum mutt who also happened to break in.

I mean the dog starts barking and following her after it catches on to whats going on but like mans best freind just stood there while a dude breaks in, the dude tries to grab her, and she starts whaling on the dude till the dog realizes "ohh shit the person who feeds me is in a fight I better make sure she knows I'm on her side"

A stray dog coming in like that would have either bailed or picked a side that it thought was more likely to feed it and gotten involved way sooner.


Oh, no party. Bye!"

What two things go together better than being a nurse and being an attention seeking slut?

Boners and frustration that one can't use them.

Incel much?

I hope she sees this.