Escalating tensions in congress have led to an epic stand off between your two favourite hysterical women; AOC vs MTG hoedown coming soon.

55  2021-02-25 by busslordlowkeybussin


AOC was funnier when she seemed like a genuine but overconfident dumb dumb, I used to really hope we'd see president AOC sooner rather than later just to keep things escalating as far as retards in office.

Her recent turn towards transparently histrionic bullshitting has been kind of a let down.

She's pretty smart and her Ideas aren't even that ground breaking, it's just everyone else is so fucking corrupt and incompetent that she stands out.

pretty smart

Lmao nah. She's a dumb dumb. She's said a ton of stupid things, you just don't hear about them.

That doesn't make her uniquely dumb for a politician of course. If you watch some house committees you'll quickly learn that we have some legitimately sub-80 IQs as elected representatives.

Hell, I once saw a video where some congressman was suggesting putting a base on an island would cause it to flip over. The witness was confused and trying to be polite for awhile, but eventually the rep made it clear that he thought islands floated in the water like boats, and the witness had to politely correct him.

stands out

She stands out because of her PR. She was one of the people that a political group literally picked from a casting call to make into a politician.

putting a base on an island would cause it to flip over.

I remember watching that. Had to repeat for a few times to make sure I didn't misheard.

Back to the topic. It would be really nice if it boils down to catfight between the two. America's long due for duels in Congress.

I'm always down for violence. Though I don't think MTG is a suitable rival. I'm still winding down from the months I spent LARPing as a fringe rightoid and even during that she didn't seem significant.

Maybe she'll surprise me though. Her ranting about space Jews is pretty funny to me.


I dunno dude her predecessor have not really done much for America since 9/11. Health care; livable wage; and ending the war machine seem like a no brainer. Also if your gonna call her dumb but give someone like MTG a pass that's just wack man. Like MTG literally is an right wing attention whore, kind like dementia daddy 1.

When I call her dumb, I'm not attacking her policy positions. Liking those things is all perfectly valid.

When I call her dumb, I'm saying that I don't think she has a high IQ based on stupid mistakes and silly takes. Some of that involves misunderstandings about how she thought certain policy goals could be accomplished (some of the details, not goals, of the initial green new deal outline showed a real lack of practical knowledge of things like economics and practical considerations like construction) and others are just mistaken statements and dipshit takes that she later abandons.

I'm not giving MTG a pass on anything, I don't know a thing about her. I know that she said something about space Jews and after that some pretty crazy hit pieces came out about her that make her sound quite trashy. That's the end of my knowledge.

I know that she said something about space Jews and after that some pretty crazy hit pieces came out about her that make her sound quite trashy.

Pointing out a woman believes in QAnon and/or making fun of her for it is not a "hit piece" and you still have Gamergate in your head rent free.

I might be confusing her with someone, but wasn't there an article alleging that she was cucking her husband with a street fighter characters AND another article saying she was an incest baby?

Pretty sure she's open about being Qanon.

alleging that she was cucking her husband with a street fighter characters AND another article saying she was an incest baby?

That's another QAnon congressman, Lauren Boebert. She was an incest baby between cousins and said cousin-dad is a pro wrestler who mostly worked in the South named Stan Lane and looked like this at the time (he's on the right).

Lmao there are two Qanon congress girls? That's fantastic.

But yeah, my fault, I got confused. I've been very busy and out of it lately.

Look man Take GWB. Dude fucked your nation in way't that it will never recover from. So did DT. This women here may say some things that you don't agree with but at the end of the day she actually wants to make things better and she would with her ideas. Like I don't expect her to be a savante, but given the shit show the aforementioned other individuals have displayed she is leagues ahead, hell she may be in a different game. I see no reason to hate on her. If she annoys you that is one thing, but hate nah man.

Are we having an English as a Second Language issue here?

He's a leaf

I have no fucking Idea. Man I don't know what is up with my typing.

I more meant that I feel like you're not understanding what I'm saying. Your typing is mostly fine.

Sorry man I am cashed. On fumes.

I was there yesterday bro.

Looking fwd to bed. Good talk man. You have a good one.

Imagine being a leaf and being this into american politics...

Dude Canada's Florida is trending on twitter today. We have no sense of Identiy. I think I would Identify as a liberal Texan.

I think you identify as what ever is popular on reddit.


The absolute state of burgerstani politics.

I can't wait until we have full on brawls on the house floor like they do in some asian countries.

The problem is that 1) you possess a sheep mentality and are unable to think or exercise logic of your own free will, and in fact are not even capable of thought outside the societal norms you've been indoctrinated with, 2) science has not yet caught up with the subtle levels of energy of which the occult and other metaphysical phenomenon occur, and 3) even if you were capable of free thought and science were able to measure these phenomenon, you are not intelligent enough to comprehend any of it.

I mean, I could try explaining it to you. But is it worth my time? You are already of the mindset that jerking off to tranny porn is completely harmless so long as the men have makeup on. It seems their agenda has done permanent damage to your mind and you are beyond reach.


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For a minute, I thought I wrote this.

AOC just seems like a rabid Chihuahua at this point. Like get off Twitter you dumb cunt and do something instead of bitching all day trying to impress twatter.

I really don't get how rightoids are this dumb. Did the coal pollution just screw the rightoid gene pool? I'm not even trying to be mean this time, it just seems like they're dumber than normal people and I can't figure out the cause.

We need to apply the ethno-state model to political ideologies instead of ethnic groups.