Former aide says NY Governor Andrew Cuomo kissed her without consent and asked her to play Strip Poker with him, go to "other discussions" and sort by controversial

123  2021-02-25 by Galatians_416


Why they keep going after successful italian americans like this 😔

Too much testosterone to truly belong amongst the ruling class in the North East. The obvious choice for a sacrifice in hopes that everyone will just sort of forget how blatant the lies have gotten lately.

If he deserves to be called Italian he's got some leverage squirreled away. If not, he'll get what he deserves.

I just hope it doesn't mean we lose his dumb dumb brother. Whenever there is some controversy actually worth turning on the news for, I love watching him react with shock and sincere confusion to everything. He reminds me of a coked-out child having politics explained to him and being perpetually surprised.

He looks like an old version of shane dawson with that stupid fake face of his.

This "Other Discussions" feature feels like magic. I just know the chadmins are going to take it from us any day now.

I'll just enjoy it while we still can.

asked her to play strip poker

he stepped in front of me and kissed me on the lips

These sexual harrassment moves are always so awkward. At least try to be sexy about it instead of just grabbing something and going in mouth first.

Or use some decent innuendo ffs. He could have asked her to play a game of Twister and it would have been less cringeworthy.

This is just the beginning, wait a few months and the infighting will only get worse.

I was going to complain why it isn't on arr politics, then I find out it is not really needed.

man asks you to play strip poker

woman declines

man respect her lack of consent

woman cancels him anyway

Normally I'd say get rid of him, but Republicans have proven you don't ever have to hold anyone accountable so why even bother?



Don't you mean ReTHUGlicans?

blue arrows for telling the truth

This sub needs to confront its Pizza Derangement Syndrome problem.

He's just too smug and self-righteous I can't help but click that blue button even when I agree with him

smug bad

I was wrong for thinking that it was rightoids or unapprovedcels that were responsible for killing this sub, attitudes like this are unironically what is killing this sub, especially after we were cucked with the pinging and linking situation. Instead of people being passionately r-slurred this sub has created a culture of trying to act cool while expressing their r-slurred opinions, literally SmugWojakMaskOverCryingWojak.jpg 24/7 and its fucking trash.

I only downvote pizza, downvotes don't stop him anyway so who cares

Nah fuck off. You and I both know its larger than people downvoting just downvoting pizza. Its every thread here any time someone gets just a bit too smug while going against the grain of whatever circlejerk is happing in whatever thread is posted here. Pizza’s smugness makes him immune to the effects of downvoting but most of the people here aren’t like him or the other dozen or so lolcows left over on this sub.

Downvoted 😏

Honestly, irony demands it.


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complain about smugness be smug anyways

The essence of nu-drama

People forgot that deep down we all are lolcows in one way or another or we wouldn’t post here. The loss of linking and pinging should have made people more self aware but instead all I see is SRDines-level smugness, only slightly more accepting of rarted rightoid opinions.

Truly a fate worse than death

I'm on a low smarm diet but pizza is my cheat food.

dramacels in shambles

Pointing out retardation is not a syndrome.

Honestly a compulsive need to call out x when x don't give a fuck is the very essence of XDS.

But he very obviously cares a lot.

Our love for him is so hot it can pierce the iciest heart.

It would be nice for the D's to drop all the facade about their moral superiority.

I'm sure Pizza would sing a different tune if Cuomo were a woman. He'll be all for getting rid of Governor Cuomo if that's the case.

The only thing more intense than pizza's hatred for republicucks is his hatred for foids lol