You can finally be a loyal paypig to all of your favorite Twitter users

122  2021-02-25 by TheColdTurtle


Having your job as professional twitter poster should be a capital offense.

Have mercy! Don't you know that all the DD{R} first responders are now starving to death?

This is just makes me miss daddy even more 😔

Just think of the amazing tweets that would have been leaked from his super followers

Guess this isn't a Wendy's after all.

110% tax rate

The more days pass, the more I understand Uncle Ted.

Shit, does anyone have that meme where it says Ted is the only one who doesn't have to bow before the emperor of Japan? I forgot to save it.

EDIT: Okay I'll just have to summarize it and y'all 👏🏾 can use your imaginations. It's the emperor of Japan bowing to Ted and the caption is something like: "In formal settings, Ted Kaczynski is the only man to whom the emperor of Japan must bow, because if there was no unabomber, there would be no Japan".

I want that meme bro...


But why tho. Explain.

Ted knew what was up.

Hey Reddit, can you please implement this too? Asking for a friend

can't wait to see that one be for verified users only

As it should be

The only thing Blue Checks should get is syphilis.

What's your beef with AIDS?

I'm feeling generous. They can have that, too.

Fucking disgusting.

Good lord. I guess the explicit monetization was bound to come at some point.