Prime Minister Boris Johnson Makes His (Naked) Debut in DC Comics' John Constantine: Hellblazer #1 Today (Spoilers). He cuts holes in animals and fucks them. The American comic book industry isn't dying so much as it's actively committing suicide.

28  2021-02-26 by 911roofer


Constantine comics have been doing dumb shit involving bri’ish politicians for decades, this is nothing new.

It's not just Constantine, it's just a fixture of British comics and characters. Think about The Authority or any small press stuff made by a Brit writer during the Bush years.


Apparently today is November 27, 2019. Are you a bong? Did your Bigbong break and you're now living in some 28 Days Later scenario?

capeshit posting

Won't someone think of the poor BoJo?? 😭😭😭

I've always found Constantine cringey. I liked that Ennis (?) run where he fucks over the three guys running hell but aside from that it's always struck me as a comic about what nerds think it would be like to be cool.