Anti-vaxx protest turns chaotic as protesters clash with police in order exercise their right to choose what goes in their body. Police proceed to exercise their right to arrest people.

30  2021-02-26 by busslordlowkeybussin


I was expecting this to be Burgerland. I like the cops using silly string as a deterrent.

That's gel mace. It'll still fuck you up but with accuracy unlike BurgerPigs with their spray nozzle bear mace.

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  1. Anti-vaxx protest turns chaotic as ... -,*

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I am surprised that straya made news. Can't say I am surprised it's in the hipster capital of the country.

They exercised their tight by choosing batons going unto their ribcages 🤗

That was like some dystopian video game clip. Or black mirror. Imagine what will happen if it does become mandatory.

Great job in censoring the naughty word on a placard, then showing it in the background 2 seconds later 😜