White nationalists in shambles and W™ to be added to LGBT+ as white genocide is all but guaranteed according to one scientist.

56  2021-02-26 by busslordlowkeybussin


Imagine if the thing that spurs us to actual action against mass pollution isn’t rising ocean levels, climate refugees, or freak weather, but is instead the lack of viable coom.

I'm not sure it's pollution, though.

The decline isn't really seen outside of the western world, and if anything the western world is less polluted than other parts of the world.

Clearly, something is going on, but nobody actually knows what and can't figure it out.

The trend is still there in non-western countries its just not as pronounced. Most of it is actually caused by diet and not just pollution. And when I say diet I don’t mean the soy meme I mean the types of processed foods eaten in western nations.

I guess it makes sense, since similar decline can also be observed in most of the developed countries, and some developing countries depending on the area.

If it were pollution, China and India would have been screwed by it.

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Test passed!

I’m proud of you buddy

I knew my specific type of autism would pay off one day. I just never thought it would be in such an important field.

Lol, some nutter on twatter saying this is how handmaidens tale starts


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