So I commissioned an artist to make a recruitment poster of me and Action Rat

1  2021-03-02 by Violent_Yet_Polite



Better than anything marvel has produced

Can you make sure technology is developed to a level that ensures my mind will be inserted into a robot body when I die?

I suppose I can work that in

Getting strong Hotline Miami vibes. Btw you will really like the guy who made the best cray cray part of the soundtrack, check it out:, start with Hydrogen specifically.

(I hate that game because the way the aiming works just doesn't work for my brain (so I did my best in the biker episode where you mostly melee) and yet it speaks to the part of me that enjoys rehearsed frantic action happening too fast to even register what's going on, much less consciously plan, like no other game ever did)

That game's soundtrack is absolute banger after banger

I actually did beat that game many years ago on PC. I love the music and frenzy. it actually calms me and makes me focus

Same, as I said I just couldn't train my brain to understand its world-space rather than screen-space cursor, I even thought about buying a controller.

I hear ya, its definitely one of those games where there nothing quite like it

By the way, have you considered SYNTHETIK? It's also like one of those games.

I'll check it out

You can check out the video I linked right fucking now, just saying!

oh shit didn't realize it was a video I just googled the game. looking.

The sound of Yoko-Lagann is in fact sublime.

looks good but pretty intense

It has a free trial by the way.

And yeah, it's one of the best games I've ever played, intense doesn't come close to describing it at certain points. Most importantly, unlike Hotline Miami the cursor is in the fucking screen space so I headshot guys like nobody's business.