Most of the "leftists" today are basically just libs with a rose in their twitter profile
The small handful of real commies who aren't just using it as a fashion statement get called "class reductionists", which is um super X-ist and problematic sweaty. Now start saying the same things as the megacorps like a good marxist.
Take a close look at who is actually in power. A lot of these same people were pro-Bush neocons. The only thing those people ever cared about was foreign policy (Anything for Israel) and free trade.
It's kind of sad when you're on politics and you hear brain dead old libs still using talking points from the 2000s and talking about the neocons as if they're still relevant on the right while supporting all the important parts of their agenda rebranded as neoliberalism.
It really brings into focus just how little is going on inside the average person.
Burr is probably the only big name who can defend Gina and not come off sounding like he has an agenda behind his take. Surprised he waited this long to say something about it.
He talked about it briefly on his podcast the day after it happened. He didn’t actually say her name though because he’s rightfully scared as fuck of cancel culture
I didn't find know he was on the show until she got cancelled and noticed he was quiet on Twitter for a week after she got shitcanned. Burr's only tweets her auto posts about his podcast.
9 trailerparkmalarkey 2021-03-02
ngl it would be a lot cooler if people were still cancelled at the stake for heresy or drawn and cancelled for insulting the landchad
4 Leylinus 2021-03-02
Does that person not realize the irony of what they're saying?
Every civil rights movement in America since the 60s has been about preventing people from choosing who they want to be around.
6 32624647 2021-03-02
The left was so cool back when they were anti-establishment instead of being the establishment
6 idio3 2021-03-02
libs =/= left 🤬🤬🤬
24 freet0 2021-03-02
Most of the "leftists" today are basically just libs with a rose in their twitter profile
The small handful of real commies who aren't just using it as a fashion statement get called "class reductionists", which is um super X-ist and problematic sweaty. Now start saying the same things as the megacorps like a good marxist.
1 Kissingersbitch 2021-03-02
Hit the nail right on the head. And if you see some “reactionary” on here don’t forget to report him to our corporate overlords 🤗😉
3 Leylinus 2021-03-02
Take a close look at who is actually in power. A lot of these same people were pro-Bush neocons. The only thing those people ever cared about was foreign policy (Anything for Israel) and free trade.
It's kind of sad when you're on politics and you hear brain dead old libs still using talking points from the 2000s and talking about the neocons as if they're still relevant on the right while supporting all the important parts of their agenda rebranded as neoliberalism.
It really brings into focus just how little is going on inside the average person.
4 JanetYellensFuckboy 2021-03-02
Like this?
2 Pepe_von_Habsburg 2021-03-02
wish we could turn back time
8 Zero5urvivers 2021-03-02
Burr is probably the only big name who can defend Gina and not come off sounding like he has an agenda behind his take. Surprised he waited this long to say something about it.
11 ohheckyeah 2021-03-02
He talked about it briefly on his podcast the day after it happened. He didn’t actually say her name though because he’s rightfully scared as fuck of cancel culture
1 Iowa_Hawkeye 2021-03-02
I didn't find know he was on the show until she got cancelled and noticed he was quiet on Twitter for a week after she got shitcanned. Burr's only tweets her auto posts about his podcast.
1 __TIE_Guy 2021-03-02
The guy has a family to feed, and is aware of cancel culture. Although I do disagree with him.
8 UnheardIdentity 2021-03-02
I just want to lick Gina's muscley pussy. Is that really so bad?
6 Iowa_Hawkeye 2021-03-02
I assume half of the comments shocked by his comments have never heard Burr's stand up or podcast.
4 pepperouchau 2021-03-02
I always wait to hear Bill Burr's stance on a topic before forming my opinion
15 Coonass_alt 2021-03-02
I’m more of a ja rule guy myself.
2 Pepperglue 2021-03-02
He probably had to wrestle his managers to get this tweet out in the wild.
1 HodorTheDoorHolder__ 2021-03-02
There goes his chances at hosting the Oscars