Twitch apologizes to the gays for celebrating Womxn's History Month

1  2021-03-02 by JanetYellensFuckboy


It's always funny when silicon valley tismals leave their bubble and realize 99.9999% of the population is not woke.

Even 99% of the groups they are woke on behalf of. Turns out most gays are just normal guys who like dicks. This is apparently news to the people who are supposed to be against homophobia.

On the other hand, there are no bigger supporters of trxns and gxy rights than Black Americans 🤭🤭🤭


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It is honestly fascinating how much power the twitter r-slurs command. It takes maybe 50-100 morons to complain to a company about ‘boycotting’ the company they are addicted to, which in turn becomes a news story for 20 different internet ‘journalist’ sites, who quote the same r-slurs in their story, and then the big league ‘journalists’ pick the story up and cover it on the national news. I can’t wait until the 5 percent of the country that controls the national narrative tears this country apart while the rest of us laugh and say ‘omgz dr Seuss is canceled?!? How crazy!’

Companies should look to YouTube to gauge public opinion since everyone uses it. I'm sure the 2% of the population who makes 99% of the Twitter comments loved that Gillette toxic moidness commercial, for instance, but it got millions of dislikes on YouTube despite Google wagies desperately removing them. As much as YouTube is full of r-slurs, I strongly prefer those salt of the earth mongs to the outrage mongering insects of reddit and twitter. It won't be long before the Exhausted Majority takes up their muskets and tells blue checks that enough is enough.

or facebook, everyone uses it too

It's because there are whole fields, like journalism and marketing, that are owned by these people. And their political allies are happy to throw their weight around in their favor, given that selective prosecution is the norm in America now.

The TQ+++ thought womxn was a terf dogwhistle even though the companies made the whole thing up to pander to them. They're outraged all over twitter and it's hilarious.

Wow this is pretty transphobic. The correct spelling is "Birthgivers" or "people who bleed." Do better.

Front holes

Apparently womxn is a terf thing so it had wokies sperging too

What is the woke case against 'womxn'?

Changing one letter an 'x' doesn't change anything, it's just patronising and insulting because you make it look like you don't treat transwomen like women.

That's a fun whatabout, can't wait for the NB wokesters to start protesting this.

Your misguided attempt to seem "inclusive" is nothing short of idiotic and I'd rather be called an actual slur than being patronised with a ridiculous and unnecessary word.


I wish they ditch Latinx next.


Speaking of this increasingly lengthy acronym, does anybody remember what year everybody starting saying “LGBT” in the first place?

I feel like it couldn’t have been that well-known of a thing in like 2008.

In Canada it's officially 2SLGBTQIA+

2S is two-spirited, which is basically some weird native third gender thing they decided to add.

Jesus Christ you’re just keyboard mashing at that point

According to Wikipedia, the T was added to LGB right around 1988

That's definitely bullshit. The Ps were still part of the coalition in 88.

Pretty sure Allen Ginsberg got them in back in the 50s

God damnit twitch give the people what they want

I remember when I was a kid and you couldn't say the word "gay" a lot of places. I see we're going back to that time, but woke.

Woah, is this actually real? They premoderate fembois?

And the word "swinger". Their go-live notification text is heavily moderated.

Context, courtesy of AHC:

Half the people in that video were trains, btw.

I feel like I am taking crazy pills because suddenly the entire history of the word womxn changed. If you check over on LSF they seem to have rewritten history to say that womxn is a term invented by Terfs to exclude trains women... What?

Yeah I thought it was supposed to include the t-gals and enbees, or maybe just make sure maleoids didn't feel included in the word women. If terminally online people of drama can't keep up, not to mention west coast tech wokies, what chance does the average Joe have?

Yeah, this one is the most egregious because even the wokest at twitch got blindsided.

That's what I thought, too. I don't mind them ditch "womxn" so I fully support it.

What's wrong with supporting womxn of any gender?


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