[lawlzpost] I'm currently watching my first ever episode of john oliver

18  2021-03-03 by ballrot

Especially in front of a green screen, this shit is terrifying. It's like reverse Tuck*r. Vv black mirror. Vv ow my balls. Apparently my neighbors just watch a polemic every weeknight?

The jokes aren't even funny, just irrelevant references used as a segue


a reverse Tucker Carlson

Cannot unsee.

I hope you have a high tolerance for smug.

a lot of people have mentioned that the from home era of this shit is unnerving and wierd, even on top of the fact that satire died in 2016

i would never actually turn it on to see for myself though, as it would give me the fear

irrelevant references

It’s like a family guy writer blew a shitload of meth and made a “news” show

I don't like his shitty accent. Never saw his appeal, never thought he was funny. Much like you I forced myself to see one episode to see what people see. It's very terrible rushed "jokes", refrences to shit that would make most reddit arrr-politics users cringe.

It's like the theater kids in high school. They were all super fucking awkward and unfunny but had to hang out with eachother cus that's what society dictates.