The immovable object that is TayTay meets the unstoppable force of cancel culture as Twitter discusses her early internship with Epstein.

298  2021-03-03 by busslordlowkeybussin


She could have had any man in the world she wanted, but instead she chose a boy.


A woman for duty, a boy for pleasure, a melon for ecstasy

Taylor Swift is a male feminist

Wait till they find out /b/ named her cat.

Lol is that true? I saw a post with all the evidence but someone disproved it. She does seem like the type of girl that has an edgy side but hides it.

I want to believe it so it's true.

She does seem like the type of girl that has an edgy side fat dick


There was that picture of her and moot if memory serves, but I don't know how much of that stuff is true.

It took her a very long time to get woke, which is pretty sus these days.

god i love reading this prissy shit and remembering letting a 72 year old smash my 19 year old bussy

lol@let. If you're posting here, you couldn't have stopped him if you tried.

Moot point, I'd never say no to big boomer daddy cock

This is her taking back the power.

Was it though? Because I don't buy that it actually happened.

Taylor Lautner is clearly gay.

Tayler epstein era oh no

Ah she's getting the old Jerry Seinfeld. It won't work on her she's not even Jewish.

Feels like she's just jealous that she couldn't get a piece of the action.

They were only three years apart. I don't really see a problem here.

Thank God she is no longer this sub's icon.

They should start spamming her to list her pronouns and to say ACAB.

I never get a chance to discuss this and most of you are some level of gay so I'm certain you see it too.

You cannot convince me that Taylor Lautner is straight. I'm straight but I have a very accurate gaydar, and I've never been so certain someone is gay.

You all see it too right?

I was drug to see the 1st twilight movie and the moment he spoke I burst out laughing.

I've never actually seen them. I'm generally pretty good about not watching shit for women. I occasionally let them win one by sitting through a musical or a particularly trashy reality show, but that's only because I secretly like it.

Yeah you're just as guilty as the rest of us hidden queens.

It’s always the loudest cancel warriors. 😂