Sad! YA lit-damaged mayo's refusal to read another book might have ruined her career 😭😭😭

60  2021-03-03 by trailerparkmalarkey


Shout out to my boy Joe "Chad" Manchin for cucking and chucking this one before she was allowed anywhere near a budget

Still, a disappointment to not see the first female Asian-American-drafted budget



Quiet, fuckhead. Manchin is a yacht-dwelling old boy that's managed to remain in office and popular in his home state despite being a democrat in West Virginia. The guy is on his last term in a divided senate and wants the opportunity to throw his weight around a little bit. Would you deny an old man with a lifetime of public service this one last ride?


How many years have you spent in the Senate, Mr. Shill?


I'm not sure comparing Mitch with Voldemort is more more an insult to Mitch, or the other way around.

Any way, we have too many Indians in the WH already. Should have gone for a Cambodian or something like that.

lmao I didn't even realize she was Indian when I posted this. I just read "voldemort" and assumed gringa nonsense

She was born in Massachusetts, in a place that is 90% White. Which means she is a second generation.

This makes perfect sense, now.