The children are the future and that future is looking extremely bleak as this story about one of the smarter kids at a Baltimore school explains the state of American society.

151  2021-03-04 by busslordlowkeybussin


Tiffany France thought her son would receive his diploma this coming June. But after four years of high school, France just learned, her 17-year-old must start over. He’s been moved back to ninth grade.

the school failed him

Yeah just the school lol

“Why would he do three more years in school? He didn't fail, the school failed him. The school failed at their job. They failed. They failed, that's the problem here. They failed. They failed. He didn't deserve that.”

What are report cards?

But in those three years, only one teacher requested a parent conference, which France says never happened.

Literal dindunuffin as a parent

More like “single parent with two jobs trying to raise a teenage boy in Baltimore”

Nah you check report cards and go to teachers conferences if asked. It's on her way way more than the school.

Society failed him

Yet he lives in one. Curious.

He has a point. The education system is glorified daycare. It is not about preparing youth for adulthood. Universities don't prepare you for work either. Teachers don't have SITG and voters/parents have to much trust in the system. The truth is our insinuations are run by morons. Not by merit. Same for our governments, and industries of commerce.

Low tier hodor I expect better

But look what I started: a conversation.


You just put more effort in discussing that child's education than his mother did in 17 years.

I actually agree with 55IQ but this is undeniably correct.

Why is American so cruel to it's people? She had a child she raised him the best she could. SHe herself is probably not perfect. We don't know her back ground.

Unrelated why do you have young girls doing rape films like Cody Lane's blue room? That poor girl got abused at a young age, then she got into porn to be exploited and abused again.

See these two examples are related because it is a system of exploitation. America has these little systems of exploitation. Why do you treat your people so cruelly? What's happened has happened but why not focus on preventing it in the first place. Elect smartpeople, one of which was AOC. She comes fromt eh same background as many of these people. A rare example of someone who survived the system, an outlier. There is more I could say but you get it.

No one will tell you this because most of us don't fully realize it, but the reasons are two fold.

  1. Americans are genuinely bad people. Our culture only produces bad people. This isn't because of any one thing or value exactly, it's because of a number of factors all coming together to produce a land filled with monsters. There are no good people here except perhaps some members of isolated communes, Amish communities, or similar groups.

  2. Americans genuinely hate one another. There is good reason for this, as we're universally bad people and we all experience each other. We also have nothing that binds us together and we're actively pitted against one another by our even more monstrous masters.

Also, AOC was a rich girl you silly simp.

This kinda reminds me of what happened to CEO pay and benefits sometime during the 70's or 80's. They tied their bonuses to the stock price rather than the value the companies created. So now it's way better for CEO's to attempt to inflate the stock price through buybacks rather than invest in job creation and product development. It also means it's way better for hedge funnds to come in and destroy companies to make quick money.

I think after WW2 America hit peak America and has steadily been folding in on itself since then. That spirit which carried America through WW2 is gone and now it's each person trying to survive on their own. Damn shame.

I agree with some of this. There is definitely a minority in America that is toxic, hateful, and destructive. Always has been. It also goes back to systems. It is a system, it keeps everyone down to the benefit of a handful.

Do you have a source for AOC claim?

I agree with some of this

Than you're only partially wrong! All of it is accurate.

Source for AOC claim


Don't bother that user has no personality besides whatever is popular on reddit.

He's Canadian, it's just their culture. We can show him a better way.

He's not worth it.

Why is American so cruel to it's people? She had a child she raised him the best she could. SHe herself is probably not perfect. We don't know her back ground.

We know her background enough that she wasn't aware he son was failing school for 3 years because she never bothered to ask " where is your report card".

I think you really just commented so you can bring your jerk off material AOC up any chance you can get. We may have a potential John Hinckley jr situation here.

Why is American so cruel to it's people?

Have you seen burgers?

Well fucking said. And this impacts everybody.

Sounds like a weak excuse.

My mother was working sun-up to sun-down job while raising me, and she does not understand enough English to either read my report card, nor communicate with my teachers. Yet she makes every effort to attend as many conference as possible, and she will definitely have my hide if I get a GPA of less than 3.

The most she could do is make sure her boy doesn't get a 0.13 GPA.

You’re literally a child.

At least he's a child who's mother gave a shit

I didn’t have a mother. I had to learn to walk on my own two bootstraps.

You dropped this, king: 👑



In his four years at Augusta Fells, France’s son earned a GPA of 0.13. He only passed three classes, but his transcripts show his class rank is 62 out of 120. This means, nearly half his classmates, 58 of them, have a 0.13 grade point average or lower.

So that guy fails all his classes, is almost always absent, and he is close to the top 50%. What the fuck is going on in there?

Two words: systemic racism.

Implemented by all the black city leaders of course

black city leaders

That’s racist. That is the systemic part BTW

No it's not

It is racism and they are a part of the system. Ergo systemic racism

If only it was that easy.

Systemic racism is not easy to solve

Just whack all the Mayos and redistribute that green to the ghettos. BOOM, problem solved.

Ppl would still argue about skin tone tbh.

Three words: Mandatory printer toner

This, but unironically.

GPA is a racist white man's metric.

and that district is one of the highest funded ($ per student) in the country lmfao

Well who's to say it's not still underfunded. For a few extra thousand per kid I bet they could get him to pass at least one more class

Where the fuck is that money going?

At some point you have to deal with other root problems besides cash because of diminishing returns. Baltimore is way past that point.


Baltimore is full of stupid people. Unsurprising.

It was bad before when teachers were wrangling these rascals day after day but at least until 4th grade they are learning basic numbers and letters Imagine how bad it's gotten when all the kids havent attended class online or in class in over a year.

I honestly can’t imagine. Consistency and self-discipline in secondary education leans on precedent quite a bit, plenty of the kids in highschool during Covid just won’t ever go back. Plus you can’t just grab the GED like failsons in the past did if you can barely read.

When the already wide gap, fucking explodes because of these school lockdowns, all these morons who were arguing for keeping the schools shut down are going to be wringing their hands.

They don't care and they don't want to fix things. They might use this to justify a national curriculum or higher teacher salaries or whatever. All this whining about new computers and replacing textbooks every two years and not three. What does straight up just not going to class do for a student's education? What if he's sitting in bed following a lesson from some 60 year old boomer trying to figure out how to share screen? And the white kids aren't getting fucked with this- the schools in most suburbs are open or they are going to private school in the city or have tutors. I don't want to hear any more shit about what some shitty enrichment program is going to do to kill the achievement gap when we said school isn't important for a whole year.

Yeah dude, don't worry in a few years the massive gap is going to be all Trump's fault, and it's going to be because white supremacy or someshit


Basically on the side of Baltimore where your chance of getting shot goes up by like 10.

And yeah, the city public schools are the worst. Despite supposedly having money funnelling in from so many different sources like the new casino, the money that gets promised to them never seems to be there. AC is either always out or heaters are always out. Not enough pencils to go around. Thank god my parents put me in a private school.

Meanwhile on the other side of town, hipsters are stringing up christmas lights in hopes it will deter crime. LMAO

