The fact that /r/AntiHateCommunities is triggering almost as many rightoids as the leftoids it satirizes is hilarious tbh.

182  2021-03-04 by Llamayoda

Seen a couple of rightoid subs with no sense of satire get triggered by some posts because they have severe autism and can’t tell satire from reality. I would shit on them more, but in all honesty I hate lefty redditors far more as they’re both autistic and severely r-slurred.


That's what makes all of us at /r/Drama radical centrists. We make lefties and rightoids seethe.

Also the thing with rightoids is that you can make them rage to a certain point, then you see how dumb they actually are and it just becomes sad. With lefties the rage is nonstop fun.

No we're not joking

Rightoids aren't capable of detecting satire and sarcasm.

Leftoids aren't capable of not interacting with things they hate.

Leftoids aren't capable of not interacting with things they hate.

Leftoids interacting with other leftoids alone proves this. Source:personal experience.

Landlord rights are human rights.

LGBT Pride!


They really took the mantle from L4L. It's so weird seeing LANDLORD_MSSSIAH posting there now.

What happened with their head janny drama in the end? Sorry, I missed everything between the mass demodding and now...
