A Chinese woman who eats with sticks reports on demands for a global Dr Seuss recall in the most zoomer way possible. Tik Tok news clips with constant condescending head bobbing is the future of journalism.

1  2021-03-08 by itsnotmyfault


She looks like the type of Asian girl who dates white men exclusively so opinion šŸš®

I've actually never met an Asian American girl who hasn't had at least one white boyfriend.

I dated an asian girl for a while and she told me she liked to date white guys because it pissed her mom off lmao

I didn't think the head bobbing would be that bad.

Boy was I very very VERY WRONG.

tfw you turn sassy head bobbing into an entire personality šŸ’šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø

Is this a generalized zoomer disease or is does this one chick just have a muscular disorder

Cherry on top would've been if she overused and misused the word 'literally'.

I wasn't expecting an East Asian to bob her head more than Indian and Black. This is quite impressive.

Judging from her accent, I bet she's a second generation.

So she gets a white pho chef fired for cultural appropriation and then appropriates Indian head bobbles? Yikes šŸ‘

Why are Chinese-Canadians living in such terrible conditions?

They're being discriminated against by childrens books.

Chinese-Canadians have a huge inferiority complex built from rich international pure Chinese students coming to Canada without being able to speak English and 'somehow' getting high GPAs.

They're realizing that they don't have to work hard like their parents said if they're rich and are now blaming Canada for not making them rich like China.

Lets burn those books!!!

I can't wait for libraries to be leading the book-banning parade.

Iā€™d smash

I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


  1. A Chinese woman who eats with stick... - archive.org, archive.today*

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Shortly after posting, she baits the mayoids:

i mean am i surprised that wh*te men who would benefit from therapy are coming after women of colour? no lmao https://twitter.com/EVYSTADIUM/status/1367848577289093122

it's the digital equivalent of punching dry wall

Even trolls the Quillette dog shampoo guy : https://twitter.com/EVYSTADIUM/status/1367602565840535560