One 12 year old boy from DC attempts to speedrun through the legal system by going from 0 to 100 years real quick. One hour and 4 carjackings later he gets arrested.

1  2021-03-09 by busslordlowkeybussin


This is the kind of zoomer we need to see a lot more of, motivated and ready to take action. This kid has a bright future.

Our future generation will make GTA a reality.

wonder what ethnicity that boy is

probably asian or jewish, no way to know ig

The subject of the case is a minor. They can't release any details on him because Juvenile Court proceedings are confidential. That's why there isn't any details on the apprehended offender beyond his age.

However, as you can see, the un-apprehended suspect has a photo of him in the article.

Clickbaity article. It was three miserable failures and one actual carjacking.

Surely this child will get help and counseling as is expected in a wealthy country interested in reform.

What the fuck kind of "counseling" is going to help this kid? Reactionary measures aren't going to accomplish much once someone has gotten to this point. The parents, the school, and the city have already been fucking up for 12 years.

Not that it's not worth the effort, but he's gonna require a lot more than just "help and counseling".

He's 12, think about the life a 12 year old has to have to go out and carjack people.

His brain isn't even developed, the idea he can't be helped or fixed is weird.

He's pretty much baked at 4.

think about the life a 12 year old has to have to go out and carjack people

I am. I'm saying that's a lot of damage to undo. I never said he can't be helped at all.

Haven't you listened last year? All of this can be fixed with social workers.