Zak Snider so desperate for people to see his Jesus / Ayn Rand allegory joyless capeshit, he tricks Tom & Jerry viewers into watching his 4 hour snoozefest.

1  2021-03-09 by SandorClegane_AMA


I'm surprised wokies haven't jumped on the Tom and Jerry thing. I'm old enough to remember the cartoon when they would blow something up and it would show a black baby in the aftermath.

The original maid from the cartoons was considered so racist she was excluded from the cartoons starting in like the 60s, so maybe the woke patrol considers it too easy

Yeah I watched it in the 80s so I think I watched reruns. I was young and had no clue what it meant lol. But for some reason I remember the black babies shown after something blew up. Thinking back, it was really racist and not even in the veiled clever sense.


Four fucking hours?

Did I stutter?

Directors for the most part don’t know how to edit their own films. There is a reason why the majority of director’s cuts are an hour longer than they need to be, its because they don’t see any of their work as fat to be trimmed. Admittedly there are cases where it works (Lord of the Rings was good and Kingdom of Heaven is actual dogshit if its not the directors cut) but for the most part it doesn’t add enough to make it worth the length.

Kingdom of heaven in directors cut is so good

Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


  1. Zak Snider so desperate for people ... -,*

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How tf are dweebs so gullible as to be excited for this capeshit? Does everyone have collective amnesia and is somehow misremembering Zak Snider as a good filmmaker?

Clever tricks from HBO. They got me to boost their Tom & Jerry numbers by clicking it, and they built hype for the Snyder cut.

Also, not enjoying 4 hours of capekino set to a Leonard Cohen soundtrack is proof of pleb taste. I also appreciate the way Snyder seems to make people seethe just by existing.

Also, not enjoying 4 hours of capekino set to a Leonard Cohen soundtrack is proof of pleb taste. I also appreciate the way Snyder seems to make people seethe just by existing.

For the love of god please get off of /tv/ for a week.


I can't sneethe


/tv/ told me that Alita and Blade Runner were good, their taste in movies is worse than reddit's.

Sopranos threads are top tier though.

Blade Runner is good

I know I am in the minority on this, but I have attempted to watch it multiple times and I've never felt anything. I know at least part of the problem is that I'm not the audience it speaks to, but usually I can get around that issue very quickly.

But I also find the original blade runner boring, though I don't dislike the genre at all, so I might just get filtered by this franchise.

I really hope his Dune is good. I loved that book when I was a kid.

I've never felt anything

Somebody failed his VK test

The tortoise brought it on himself.

You can watch a Bela Tarr movie at 3x speed and pretend to like it just like they do though

Do they have a diagnosis for your condition yet?

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

His Watchmen is alright but I appreciate it more after whatever the fuck that braindead ending of Lindelof's show was

I thought his Watchmen had good elements and bad. I think the actor that played Veidt brought the whole movie down. I also think it should have come out at least 5 years later, because he made a big brained effort to deconstruct capeshit movies at certain points but the public knowledge of those tropes was too shallow at the time.

But I don't think anyone could have done any better with it.

I think Synder's best work was Dawn of the Dead or 300. I've never made it very far into Sucker Punch but that is apparently very bad, and I think having him make Man of Steel started the whole DCU off on the wrong foot.

I hope it's good. I like DC characters so I'd be pretty forgiving.

I liked Veidt, but Patrick Wilson, Billy Crudup and Jackie Earl Haley definitely stole the show. I also actually really like the changed ending but Snyder having to throw his 14 year old boy action scenes in brought it down more than anything

I thought the Veidt guy made a weird choice with the back and forth German accent and I don't think he came off charismatic at all.

I like Patrick Wilson in pretty much everything, and the other two did a good job. It also had Carla Gugino, who I like, and aside from the scene in the 70s I thought the guy who played The Comedian was pretty good.

Those action scenes were supposed to be the deconstruction. Tacking ultra violence on contrasted with the goofy Batman Forever style costumes. But I don't think it worked.

The costumes were changed from the GN though in order to make the violence look cooler. They have the same grimdark look as the rest of his films. I'm excited for his new zombie movie though. Dawn of the Dead remake is trashy fun and way better than 28 Weeks Later which gets praised despite the dogshit seizure editing

But the costumes aren't grim dark, they look like the nipple bat suits from the 90s Batman movies.

The way he films everything does look grim dark but that suits Watchmen just fine. However, it's why MoS never had a chance to be good.

I have higher hopes for the zombie movie than the new JL cut given his past success. I think the dawn remake is possibly the best of the zombie sub-genre. The fact that they had to reshoot because that guy got cancelled could be a bad thing though. And it's a Netflix movie, and that usually means it's shit.

Netflix horror originals are usually solid. I was a big fan of Apostle

I haven't seen that one yet, I'll have to check it out.

It's by the guy who did The Raid movies. Not as good as those were but it was really unique
