Steven Crowder, contrary to popular belief, has apparently been materially supporting the MTF community for years

1  2021-03-09 by JeffButterDogEpstein


Nobody hates youtube grifters more than me, but imagine believing this.

I really want this one to be true. It's been tough few months for rightoids, if their favorite grifter turned out to be paying for underage bussy, I just don't know what would happen.

I’d agree if this were literally anyone else but Crowder. Since it is about Crowder I’m split 50/50 on this being legitimate.

It's a terrible thing for someone to accuse one of and try to ruin their reputation with, so that's precisely why I will choose to believe it.

They aren't scared of the others.

They are scared of being outed and being considered the others.

Everyone is a degenerate, those who claim they aren't are the worst type of filth.

On one hand I am absolutely sure Crowder likes him some bussy.

On the other hand, this seems too good to be true.

I think the fact that its Crowder here and not some other right wing internet commentator makes this more believable than it normally would be.

Crowder's the most likely of the big rightoid online personalities. There's been rumors of him being into freaky shit for years

He has the face of a guy who cannot keep a dick out of his mouth

He's actually admitted to having a bisexual "phase" before.

He's not gay just because he let you suck his dick. How many times does he have to say it?

This is too perfect not to be true. If someone dedicates a lot of time and emotion to something hating that thing they have some sort of attraction to it. Like Incels hating women. Or Crowder here, dude dresses up multiple times. Multiple talks and skits. Also being a right wing celeb he's never stepped out on his wife. He's probably had the opportunity. Every other dude is a scumbag and has done that.

I think it is good enough. People you hate


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Sorry autojanny. If a t has their account suspended by twitter, they were clearly lying. I can still dream tho.

I have absolutely no idea what you mean.

The persons account was suspended after that tweet. And twitter normally doesn’t suspend t’s for spouting off, so something’s up.

Automod deleted my original comment cause I said the full t word.

That is odd. Stephen Crowder seems to have some pull with yt and twitter.

There's no way THAT is worth 1000 dollars, even to the trap-fslurs


Of all the big name right wing internet people I think Crowder might be the most obviously in the closet one out of all of them. I’ve met people who later came out as gay/bi and Crowder gives me the same feeling as they did.

I wish this was true, but honestly, I know in my heart that nobody pays over $50 for homeless bussy.

How passing can you be when you don't even have a make up room? Crowder was probably cruising for twinks and found one with long hair.

This, but unironically.


  1. Steven Crowder, contrary to popular... -,*

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I want this to be true because I had a redneck trump loving roommate who I hated who loved this guy. I like to think that he'll be between fent benders and see that his idol got arrested for diddling a child mtf.

Join the mug club today!

I used to occasionally watch sans mug, but if you see episode you've seen'em all. Best part of the show was Not Gay Jared.

How exactly is that having sex with MTF? This SuperStraight stuff is super forced, but having sex with a t-slur in a goatee is full 100% gay- I don't even see how a chaser fetishist would be interested in that. You're not banging a chick with a dick. You're just banging a dude. Not that there's anything wrong with that!