Huffington Post gets bought by Buzzfeed, 47 "staffers", "reporters" and workers at "international offices" getting laid off.

1  2021-03-10 by WarBoyPrimo


I am one of 47 of my deeply, beautifully, funny and talented and wonderful and kind colleagues who lost their jobs today.

Considering this disaster of a sentence she should have no trouble finding another job.

deeply , beautiful ly, funny and , talented and , wonderful and kind

Also, "I am one of my 47..." makes no sense.

I was among 47 of my deeply beautiful, funny, talented, wonderful, and kind colleagues who lost their jobs today.

I'm not even a native English speaker, ffs...

American-English grammer is deeply rooted in systems of oppression and should be abolished.


Among Us memes are mind poison.

Surprised people actually upvoted it. I expected better from arrdrama.

Fucking zoomers, mannn.

Needs more oxford comma lol

That sounds colonist

deeply , beautiful ly, funny and , talented and , wonderful and kind

Amazing that this person writes for a living. Well, used to at least, lol.



instead just reply with this since you know l2c is h8 speech

bloodbath for an award-winning international newsroom full of absolutely stellar journalists



Surely these journalists will find another outlet seeking their quality work.

Heard uber is always hiring

Anytime I see Huffington Post I'm reminded of this

She's got a great porn name already, why L2C?


Thirty-three of those employees were members of HuffPost’s union.

Why did HuffPost bloggers think that LARPing and forming a union (like they were steamfitters or some other "working class" profession that actually contributes to society) would save their jobs when HuffPost has never been profitable and has no path to profitability? Digital media is basically a huge bubble and HuffPost and BuzzFeed are probably on borrowed time.

The employees are probably getting laid off because the company literally doesn't have enough money to pay them.

HuffPost bloggers think

Found the issue

The ones in Canada had literally just formed a union a couple days ago and were told the layoffs were not caused by the unionization. I wonder if they'll believe that.

HuffPo Canada got ya'lled for forming a union lmao. What did think was gonna happen

What about learning to code?

I love the smell of laid off journos in the morning.

I believe it's spelled, "LeArN To CoDe". Disabled Isn’t A Bad Word Wheelchair symbol

No it isn’t. Alternating caps is ableist & inaccessible to screen readers, just for future reference.

The absolute state



Disabled/CI/ND/NB/LGBTQ/Poor. BLM. Appalachian/SEKYian. Gamer. Coffee Hot beverage I have a uterus Sometimes get self-conscious & delete tweets

I spend very little time on anything other than Sports Twitter and every time I venture away from it I get sad

Didn't they realize orange man was the only thing keeping them employed? Some media has tried to keep the stories going with a new politician of the month to hate, but no one really cares like they did about orange man.