A realtor's ability to turn a negative into a positive in on full display as a woman from the Ozarks schemes to turn a $1500 accident involving her former mother-in-law into a better relationship with her kids.

1  2021-03-10 by busslordlowkeybussin


She very much looks like someone that'd try this by cruising STL and asking the first black person she saw.

Considering if the MIL was also white in small MO town all she'd have to do is leave fent just lying around and let MOers do what MOers do.

Just poor form all around.

$1500 for a hit on someone is as cheap as those highlights

how much would you charge then

more than 1500 bucks lmao this isn't Colombia.


$1500 hitman

She probably wanted to pay for the hit with rolled quarters.

Bret would've done it but he'd oversell

The real criminal here is whoever did her lip injections

at one point acknowledging that she was a Christian but noting she could always ask for forgiveness later.

Protestantism and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.