Psycho antimasker who ripped off her uber driver's mask and coughed on him, wants to know "where's my check?" (twitter thread has both relevant vids, scroll up)

1  2021-03-10 by wow___justwow


Trump supporters continues to create havoc across America.

On a serious note, all taxi drivers should start putting the restriction of no more than two women on the car at the same time.

I would bet a thousand dollars that this person has no political affiliation, and just doesn't wear a mask because it fucks up her makeup.

"ghetto queen clap back"🤬

In toronto it was one passenger per.

How do whitoids end up talking like this? Honest question

Dawg she is Iranian/Arabic, even still. I want to know how the fuck is she rich? Sugar baby? Porta potty? She's at best a 5.

Iranians are white. arabs too probably


even italians are white

I'm agreeing I'm not not agreeing, I just really don't care either way. Sorry. Like I accept it I won't challenge it. Wasn't trying to sound like a dick.

Don't drag Iranians down like that.

On Twitter they dox’d the fuck out of her. She’s an escort lol

bro dm me a link. Also how much does she charge? I would not pay for sex with this women.

Dm’d...I think. Idk how to work it on mobile lol

thanks homie!

She twerks like she has fucking scoliosis or some shit.

So there were two other POC foids who seem to be coughing and encouraging the whole thing. What has happened to them?

What has happened to them?

Nothing. They only acted that way because of their internalized oppression.

"That's why I take lyft"

She's been banned from uber and lyft

Wapo breaks it down

The whole mask thing is a debacle. "My body my choice", "believe the science", "this is communism/tyranny". Dunno how a piece of cloth got so politicized.

It's strange that in some cases totalitarism would be really easy to force on a society while in other cases it would be really difficult and it's entirely based on which group of rslurs has the majority on their side.

She's so ratchet it's goddam grating to listen to her.

Mod her


She's not a dawg, dawg.

Gussy 🤢🤢🤮

Holy shit the driver got 53k from gofundme which he plans to send to his wife and kid in Nepal.


Based and family-pilled.

It's good to see Americans coming together.