As the vajazzling trend has died down, one Illinois teacher tries to go viral with the newest craze; the iced out schlongus.

1  2021-03-12 by busslordlowkeybussin


I'd rather play golf in a lightning storm than trust any "professional" to do something that's only dangerous if they fuck up. Same with those people who get X-degree burns because minimum-wagers fucked up the burning coals walk for cheap corporate retreats. I'm fine with getting hurt but not for some generic boring shit that won't even make me look cool if it works.

I kinda makes me sad that all the cool ways to die or injure yourself have already been taken by Darwin Awards winners.

Like, there was that one Brazilian priest that strapped a bunch of helium balloons to his chair and froze to death at 18000 ft. How do you one-up that?

The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. If we didn't have communication technology you wouldn't be bothered by any brasilian priest and could off yourself in a fresh and unique to your village way to everyone's satisfaction.



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I know this is unrelated but was reminded of it when you said about professionals fucking up something dangerous.

Hisashi Ouchi (lol) Japanese nuclear lab technician

Him and 2 other works weren't experienced and took shortcuts

cause nuclear accident

taken to hospital with more than lethal dose of radiation

white blood cells all dead, dna destroyed

become walking ghost

skin starts falling off, can't use surgical tape to treat burns, use wire gauze instead, takes hours to change the gauze keeping his body together

Body can no longer retain fluids, needs IV drip, blood, fluids pumped into body to survive.

day 59 heart stops 3 times

kept alive, finally dies after 83 days

I got a more detailed account of it if you want. Automod won't let me link.

What a fucking idiot. Even a little bit of liquid N2 would've burned him. You can't pour it on clothing, and for this demo you should never pour it.