Pizza 🍕 might be offline for awhile

1  2021-03-12 by HodorTheDoorHolder__


Fake. His lips are not nearly as plump and juicy as Pizza's.

and that Gentry believed he was "the messiah."

His father survived his injuries, police say.

Imagine being the Messiah and not being able to finish off a single shape-shifting reptile. What if our galaxy's god is a weak little [ladyhole] who gets teased by the other gods?

Can't be pizza doesn't show signs of FAS.

One of the best parts of drama is watching people with no relevant medical experience, low levels of education, and proud ignorance say stupid shit like this.

You are not denying it. 😂🤔

What is there to deny, exactly? It's an incoherent claim not based on anything valid.

Based on your mothers heckin valid alcohol addiction.

My mother has literally never had a drink in her life.

With a son like you? Idk pizza... 😰

Aren't you that buffoon that runs around trying to argue why nationalism is actually good?

I don't like people that look different to me. Like folx with FAS.

Idk I feel like believing something that dumb is more evidence of FAS than anything else.

I'm a KARABOGA Turk Pizza. I take your women and argue with FAS autsist and I'm all out mayo foids.

Wait wait, so you're a turk AND you're from vodka country, AND you believe stupid shit?

you're scoring very high on the FAS meter.

Everyone in my country is an alcoholic and yet I was blessed with normal palpebral fissure unlike you sweaty. 😇🤭

I doubt you are, is the thing. Why don't you write your name on a piece of paper and take a photo.

Color me shocked you're afraid. Makes you think.

We've already established you're afraid to post, so this convo is pointless.

People afraid to post have something to hide.

Im hiding my palpebral fisssure bcs im scared you will suck it away with the nothingness above your lip.

I'm a pussy.

That's nice.

Pizza why would you say you are a Pussy? It takes bravery letting your gf cuck you and still staying with her.

I'm a deflecting pussy afraid to post my picture.

Don't be so hard on yourself.

Im not getting hard watching my gf getting fucked by other men pizza. This is projecting.

I'm a credulous moron that repeats made up discord lies that have been debunked countless times.

Yeah that's unlucky, I can point you to a few books to maybe improve your way of thinking.

Debunked? Countless times? You are keeping count? Sounds like coooope buddy sweaty pal. 🤭🤭

I'm still repeating debunked discord lies because I'm poorly educated and can't think for myself.

You've made that clear man, do you want the books or not?

Cope Pizza. This is cope. 😂🤭🤭


Well of course I know I'm stupid and getting rinsed, so here I'll spam cope a few times and try to play it off.

Yeah this is pretty common drama.

Cope. 😂🤣🤣

Perhaps if I spam cope enough times the rinse won't seem as obvious to my fellow poorly educated drama users.

Maybe, could work out tbh.

Pizzashill? More like Pizzacope cause this is cope. 🤭

I know you really rinsed me, so let me spam cope some more haha.

You do you.

Cope Pizza. When will you leave 🏴‍☠️ drama like you promised btw. 🤔🤣 Coming back for some more cope?

My mother told me I was functionally learning disabled after I got caught eating glue in the 2nd grade, have you coped though?

Wild, was she drunk as well?

Sounds like cope Pizza. Why can't you leave like you promised? 🤔 😳 🤣

I think my emotional disorder started around the time my mother had a line of men show up the house every year around Christmas. She told me she was holding auditions a local play at the YMCA but after a few years I learned she was actually sucking them off for vodka money

That's fucked man.

Cope Pizza. You can't leave this hell hole. Cooope. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Is anyone noticing my meltdown and cope spam??

I don't know if they are tbh.

He can't leave. He just can't do it. Cause he is coping. 🤣🤣🤣

Trust me, I could build the levels if I wanted to. I won't, but I could.

I believe you.

Still not leaving. Why? Cope? Cope! 😍 🤣🤣

I'm trying really hard to mask this rinsing with emoji spam.

Well yeah, that's clear.

Cope! Cope? Cooope! 🤣🤣🤣

Have you seen these emojis haha cope cope cope

They are nice emojis.

Cope. Cope. 😂😂😂😂😂😂

The tears behind this mask aren't real

I suspect they are.

Cope cope cope and seethe. 🙂🤣🤣😂😂


But I think you are.

Cope cope cope. 😂😂😂

Wow I'm still spamming cope. Must be the vodka disorder.


Cope cope cope. 😂😂😂

I know I'm not convincing anyone but let's keep going

You do you.

Cope cope cope. 😂😂😂



Cope cope cope. 😂😂😂



Cope cope cope. 😂 😂 😂

King 👑💅

Continue thread... >

No thanks 😂🤣😂🤣

You are missing out on the cute picks I drew for pizza.

Why don't you ask your "black neuroscientist friend" to tell you if you have FAS or not? Is it a symptom to have poor social skills to the point where you'll make the flimsiest excuse about refusing to spend $200 to see your gf for the first time in years, and think you're being convincing?


I'm a credulous moron that believes everything I read on discord.


That excuse wouldn't work for Jeffrey Epstein, and it doesn't work for you either.

I'm a slowpoke discord user still repeating months old debunked lies because I'm poorly educated.

Wow, that really is sad. Do you want me to direct you to a few books to improve your thought process?

How to string along a broad with 0 eggs for dummies? How to compulsively lie? The professional gaslighting manual?

Well now I'm starting to suspect my debunked discord lies are in fact debunked discord lies, so here, let me shift to a new claim.

Brilliant tbh.

I am brilliant. This is black excellence. You are a Floridian abomination.

As you can see by my typing of "jajajaja" I'm totally not a poorly educated 3rd worlder.

That wasn't my take tbh.