My ban message from arr Sino contained some unintentional comedy gold

1  2021-03-12 by fernguts

State Department Lawyers Concluded Insufficient Evidence to Prove Genocide in China - ForeignPolicy

your auto removed post and fake values🤡 Nobody sees your comments, we have the best auto garbage disposal system on reddit. Imagine really believing your BS but all you can do is spam trash on reddit...and FAIL even at that. Shameful🤡

White Privilege doesn't work here. Barging into POC spaces like you are entitled that people pay attention to your nonsense is a ban. You aren't smart enough to get by the mods. Inept trolls and broken brigades have been losing for 3 years now. How deluded to think you'd be different. Give up and try [arr westerner] or pout elsewhere as you serve us in advertising.

Save your laughable tough talk. McArthur also did it, just before longest retreat in history for US. No country in that US led force could approach within 100 miles of the Yalu River border area since. Talk after that changes.

Effing glorious! This confirms my suspicion that that subreddit is the Chinaman version of T_D.


The great thing about Reddit is we can point and laugh at smugposters from literally every background.

Angry m@yos, angry Indians, angry Chin@men, angry atheists, angry w0men, angry m3n, angry tr01ds

In plebbit, t is off limits tho. Theyre the chosen people who can do no wrong

Oh wow that's great xD

POC spaces

You can tell that's a pasty white anglo kid writing this. Oooooh the irony of a Baizuo shilling for the PRC.

Pink in a colour. Prove me wrong.

dunking on the US military in wordy ban messages

China wins me over a bit more every day tbh.

Nationalists are always good comedy.




arr India can be pretty fun to. Nationalist Currycels are particularly easy to troll, as they get very angry very quickly.

lol, they are the most self hating subs out there. Everything anti-India gets massively upvoted there.

Sure, but there's also a seething underbelly of guys who've latched on to nationalism as a way to compensate for being failures as men. It takes no effort to set them off, as they're already triggered.

Not American or Canadian

Sounds to me like they have a lot to be proud of.

The funniest currycels are actually the ones from the West, as they're brimming with resentment, and longing for the "homeland".

My ban from Sino came from me replying to a hilariously boot-licking Pakistani-American, who didn't seem aware that the average Chinese person thinks Pakistanis are smelly barbarians.

Tbh the average American thinks Pakistanis smelly barbarians too

Naah they are filled with ultra libtards who either live abroad or want to emigrate, who for some reason India is under a fascist government.

Imagine defending an abstract concept like a country.

Nationalism == bootlicker rslurs

Err India isn't nationalist at all lol, they fucking hate India. Err bakchodi is the best place to see currynationalists imo

Maybe I'm old school, but there's nothing like a bunch of literally who's getting into a good ole balkan flame war.

Chinese nationalists are funny as fuck. The asspain caused by the “Century of Humiliation” will never go away and its caused them to become worse than even Balkaners in terms of their nationalism.

R Sino aren't Chinese nationalists, it's mostly white kids shilling for China

Tell me about it. I count myself also a Chinese nationalist, but I can't stand them, either.

I count myself also a Chinese nationalist

lol wat

Well I think the Chinese should rule China, and they should get their shit together and be the civilized nation they claimed to be. I'm not an ultra-nationalist that gets butthurt whenever PRC gets criticized for their shit, or for the so-called "Century of Humiliation."

I'd like to think I have a rather healthy attitude regarding China.

That's not being a Chinese nationalist at all. That's just being reasonable.

Well God damn. That used to be enough to be qualified as a Chinese nationalist.

Imagine thinking China shouldn't be Balkanized.

Not my fault for being brought up with the "unified China" rhetoric.


They changed their ban message it seems. They used to just say Chinese genocide was justified by economic growth.

I don't know why they're putting the mask back on. It seems more in line with their actual beliefs to just say 'yeah we're doing it and that's a good thing, what are you gunna do about it pale face?'.

Which is a based take tbh

Reddit admins allow genocide denial but disallow us from linking to it.

They gotta keep their owners happy.

It genuinely makes me angry

Just remind them that they got their assess kicked by a bunch of Indians with sticks in the mountains.

Makes sense they have the best auto mod post remover since they also have the best irl automod removal system.

be born uyghur
