Marine Corps literally shitposting on Twitter, digitally pegging M@G@tards without consent, here today

1  2021-03-14 by HodorTheDoorHolder__


Well damn, I posted this just minutes after you did. I'm too lazy to take my post down tho so we will see who the mods like more.

If it makes you feel any better, I liked your title more.

Where the hell is @DoD_IG? Why is there an endless stream of this crap coming out of official DoD social media accounts? When did it become OK for some pencil pushing flunky manning a DoD Twitter account to get into arguments with & insult the public?

I'm sure this person had a very large issue with father starting shitfests with randos.

I am actually thinking of creating a twatter account to ask him why he’s such a soft, r-slurred snowflake

Dollars to doughnuts the dod social media team hasn't changed since DDD took over and also none of them are qualified in any way to "go after china," because they are a social media team.

When you take meme wars literally they can.

The guy that's simping on our dime while losing every single war, or the guy making fun of him?

Imagine the damage orange man could have done if he wasn’t busy shit posting on twitter.

Hopefully nothing that would get half a million people killed.

Damn China virus.

I don't think I've seen a single post from you that didn't rely on a buzzword or maymay. Hell, even your username is derivative. Why can rightoids only meme?


Traditionally, the military has worked to appear non-partisan or at least disengaged from partisan political discussion. They even have rules preventing you from using your uniform for political ends and whatnot.

Not that I'm against this acceleration. I hope it's not long before we have generals getting in online slap fights about how every single one of those little brown bastards deserved it.

I took 90mg of Adderall by mouth and then squirted 45mg of adderall plus 2mg of subovone in my anal cavity like 45 minutes ago. In an hour i am going to take like 8 mg of Xanax. Am I normal?

That's bad for your heart.

Dont have one

No, your literal heart, not some dumb figurative one.

Where does one get this much Adderall? Asking for a friend.

The deep and dark spooky web. Find the White house

Matt Walsh is on the replies on the original video and he maybe the most retarded rightoid there is. Just reading his reply made me cringe, good dammit I hate been Shapiro for giving that dumbass any relevance

What an absolute fiasco. Maybe we'll finally see the worlds first homocratic government established after a CIA coup.

I've worked closely with that "part" of our government for years now. The upper management of all branches has gone full woke neo lib. I'd like to blame it on Obama, but really I think it's the demographic: upper to upper-middle class white suburbanites. Every single one is 100% invested in this ideology, for some reason. Probably because all branch management is located at the pentagon and forces people to live in the surrounding area, which is all a neo lib utopia of comical stereotypes.

I'm sure the CO of this pregnant twitter account runner is more than pleased with her engagement. As it raises "awareness" and "dunks" on tucker. Our military is in a sad state at the moment and no one is willing, or has the ability to change it.

Are you actually a corporal?


Damn I was gonna ask how you thought the South China Sea situation is gonna play out.

Considering his reasoning for thinking the military is in a "sad state" is people are trying to get women to join and are "woke" I'd avoid asking him anything about this kind of stuff.

It's very much the "I don't know anything about the military really and am projecting my own bullshit" opinion.

Women should join, they just shouldn't serve anywhere near men. I was amazed at how great an all male unit was when I was in. They definitely shouldn't be in combat roles, at least not if the combat involves firing at and being fired upon by the enemy.

It literally does not matter. It does not even matter 1%.

It doesn't happen

And then

Its only happened like 200 times

The self dunk

Illiteracy is a profound problem in America.

It really is. We should stop letting them vote.

Trust me, some people shouldn't be allowed to vote, but they're primarily in rural America.

You've lost me. Where do we stand on the illiterates?

I agree that rural illiterates also need to be disenfranchised, but why did you bring up location?

I don't really have any interest in engaging with this weird fascist anti-democracy shit you seem to subscribe to.

You literally just agreed that the franchise should be limited, and now you're calling me fascist. You can't even keep up with your own positions!

And the fact that you believe the two types of government are "democracy with universal suffrage without exceptions" and "fascism" you really shouldn't be discussing politics at all.

The difference is I was joking, you aren't. You are unironically fascist aligned based on the things you've posted.

You clearly don't even know what a fascist is.

I have a formal education on the subject and am very well versed on what fascism is.

I said fascist aligned, you're clearly anti-democracy, pro-authoritarianism.

I have a formal education on the subject

No, you don't.

Yes, I do.

No you don't. And I know that with 100% certainty.

Based on what?

pizza you clearly dont have any experience in this arena. I think there is a place in the military for women, in theory. The problem is the application of it. Example, women being in the navy is a huge issue no one wants to resolve. Number one issue is them getting preggos right before deployment. Which means the role on the ship they were doing has to get filled last minute by a person that was not involved in that ships training. But its not just a navy thing, women getting preggos right before any deployment is basically common place at this point. Its expected. Why? Becuase those women, like alot of soldiers really, see the military as a job and not a service. And its not even their fault since thats exactly what the services have been instilling for decades now.

No hicks, I have a decent amount of experience because it's literally not a relevant issue on any level.

If you want to talk about actual issues - it's the Chinese navy build up and their ability to produce parity ships at a vastly faster rate than the US does due to the incoherent "every district gets something" method of funding we engage in.

It's the neglect of the navy for this same reason. It's the idiots obsessed with ship count to such an extent they want to produce troop transports so they can say "but we have 400 ships" as if that's relevant.

Let be me very clear here: the grand scheme of strategic planning, women in the navy and military are not even close to a problem, as in they have absolutely no relevance.

I have a decent amount of experience

Is there a field of knowledge you are not an expert on?

Tons actually, and I'm not an expert on this. Consider it a hobby.

I have a few topics of interest. I a formal education in history/political science, and a few hobbies I spend a lot of time reading about.

Lmao just shut up about military stuff Pizza, you clearly have less than zero idea what you're talking about on the issue. You are actually good about talking about some other topics, albeit in a heavily autistic way, but not this one.

Except I'm completely right. I suggest you go spam about how the f-35 is too expensive and how the a-10 is totally a great plane and don't engage in topics you have no understanding of.

Are you suggesting that the F-35 is anything other than an unmitigated disaster?

And there it is. Dunning-kruger sure is great.

If I search your post history how many "it can't DOG FIGHT THE F-16" memes am I gonna see?

Literally none. How about we drop the ad hominem and you explain to me how the F-35 is good? You brought it up, now defend it.

The f-35 is quite literally a revolution in air power and absurdly powerful.

If you actually want to learn about this, this lecture from an f-16/18/22 top gun pilot talks about it in detail:

I a formal education in history/political science

didn't you also say you live in an apartment complex behind a denny's in some nowhere town

I have no idea what you're talking about.


lmao thanks for your cervix pogue

If you want to discuss this we can. Want to know how many times I've heard pregnant women talked about when actual professionals discuss naval strategy and the issues we confront? 0 fucking times.

the fitzgerald crash didn't happen


Yeah, that was for sure pregnant women.

Anyway hicks, I don't have time rn to run circles around you on this crash, but I do have a source for you.

This article amounts to the gold standard of military reporting:

acting like ihavent read that report long aog

lmao just admit it rslur youre out of your element here

Hicks let me be very clear here. If you think women are why the 7th fleet was being forced to work 100 hour weeks, why crew numbers were cut, valuable naval officers sent to Iraq, all while the top brass focused on building more ships - you are very dumb.

It's not that I'm out of my element, it's that you are. You're clueless.

Take your meds schizo, video games are not real life.

The US military has gotten its shit pushed in by starving under-equipped third world rslurs for the entire time you've been alive.

Even you're above simping for those losers.

Has anyone called this account a stupid fucking pog yet

we will focus on our competition together with men and women

What did they mean by this?

This some excellent drama, OP. Good find.

Now post a pic of the fatties getting knocked up to avoid the fitness tests and deployments.

I just can’t understand the rghtoid fascination with wmen in the military. “ERMAGERG, fo*ds get pregnant, we’re going to lose to China!” Like the US isn’t going to lose to China regardless.

They literally do not know anything about the military or how a major war works lol.

They're the people that show up in reddit arguments citing troop numbers as the basis for why the US is totally very weak and how China with their 11 million soldiers are some major threat.

It's bullshit and a lie and reveals their ignorance of course, but they still do it.

Credibledefense is probably the only place you ever want to see people talk about militaries (plural because it's not a pure US-focus) on reddit.

There's probably one place I'd ever consider reading about military things on Reddit and it's definitely not here lol

The point is, there are valid issues with the military, and there are valid concerns about China, but being woke is not on that list.

The actual problems are something the US military is well aware of and has been working on for years:

All of these dumb conservative grifters talking about how "biden is totally ignoring China" just inbred fucking halfwits with no idea what they're talking about trying to rile up idiots that couldn't even begin to comprehend the real problems.

Paywalled, but yeah. Anybody actually paying attention knows just how much the US is focused on Asia and its waters.

It's an article about the US losing power in the region.

But the point is, the US alone can not counter China in the region. It's like asking some other country to contest the US navy in waters close to the US.

It's absurd. This is why the US has been pushing naval build ups in the area, why Japan is greatly expanding their navy and other countries will be as well.

I'm curious if, like me, you roll your eyes when people get histrionic about Russia. Russia is a sad pale shadow of what it once was. It can barely execute a war against a regional neighbor, and its economy is less than that of Italy. They MAY have an edge when it comes to electronic warfare, or it might be that the USA is so much better at it that we never even hear about it. Russia ain't shit, and any angst directed at them would be much better served looking at China.

Literally the only country on earth that is anywhere near a threat to America in terms of military capability is China.

Russia is a threat because they engage in asymmetrical warfare, destabilization, and conspiracy-mongering.

They're trying to win an ideological war, not a military war.

This has been the goal for a while:

Yeah, I agree. I'm not sure what Russia gets out of being international trolls though. Do they derive some national pride from being viewed as the bogeyman? Its not like they're Iran and get pounded with sanctions.

They're not exactly in love with China since they're in a long running slapfight over Vladivostok, which Russia will retain because GET WRECKED CHINA.

As far as Russian hacking goes, a lot of the stuff that goes on isn't necessarily at a state level. There's a huge amateur hacking scene in Russia. Think lulzsec rather than NSA.

Trump's biggest mistake was cancelling the TPP. For all is faults, it was designed to create a trading block of asian countries allied with the US to surround China and reduce their geopolitical influence in the area. Guess who all those countries are turning to now?

Where from huh?

I could tell you, but I'd have to kill you

bahahahaha this is great.

And if there were only some way of contriving that a state or an army should be made up of FTMs and their chasers, they would be the very best governors of their own city, abstaining from all dishonour, and dilating one another in honour; and when fighting at each other's side, although a mere handful, they would overcome the world. For what troid would not choose rather to be seen by all mankind than by his trussy slave, either when abandoning his reddit account or throwing away his hormones? He would be ready to die a thousand deaths rather than endure this. Or who would desert his heckin valid cutie or fail him in the hour of danger?

—Plato, Symposium

where is the archived version of the tweet?

Not dead enough for the security clearance, sry