Tariq Nasneed posts irl dramanaut, 🦝 discussion occurs

1  2021-03-15 by Llamayoda



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why is it whenever they stray too far off the plantation theyre called choooooons?

🦝 means Uncle Tom when black people call each other that. It's not just another way of saying nslur

When an unapologetic rightoid doesn't know this, you've got to ask yourself: Are you the racist?

Umm sweaty actually I know black people so I keep up with the culture 👸🏿💅🏿

And yes I am racist

Oh, I just learned it from looking at Twitter fights

A great drama artist name Dr Umar is educating the black folxs on how the world works. Any proud melinated individual who dares do something as pitiful as opening the door for a yt devil is branded a 🦝

What is the significance of that date?

Pretty sure it’s the date when his movie comes out, about all levels of 🦝ery

Nasneed has a movie coming out?

Yeah, it’s titled “buck breaking the movie” basically about how the white mans dominance over the black man has psychicly turned them all gay.

can't wait to see it

Omg, you're not making this up! https://youtu.be/Yph2Ne5C2s0

Hoodie is tough

Based Tariq stoking the flame of drama when Trump couldn't.