"What are you going to do, arrest me?" TX-slurred woman moments before being arrested

1  2021-03-15 by JimieWhales


The comments are what make it gold. A bunch of people cheering on a cop smacking around an old lady because a bank told him to. 😂

I always support my boys in blue

She could have just said she didn’t want to put a mask on and walked outside. Go to the drive thru or the atm outside. Not like she was being denied use of the bank, just told not to be a twat by not being respectful of the workers inside who just want to keep them and the people they go home to safe from potential covid infections.

Come on, she wasn't infecting anybody. She just wanted to close her account at a bank that was virtue signaling.

She was being a dumb dumb for not just complying. But we didn't used to beat the shit out of 65 year old women for being dumb dumbs.

Not that I'm complaining. She helped make this hell of a country and deserves everything it gives her.

Is this Rightoidism or leftoidism? Maybe it's a while different kind of ism.

It's centrism

I too am cheering it on. If you can't do the bare minimum during a pandemic that has killed over 500 thousand people, if you don't have the basic respect to put a fucking mask on for the sake of yourself and others, then I don't give a shit what happens to you.

Source on the 500k+?

Is this a joke?

No I haven't seen anywhere putting it that high.

Thanks. It looks like you're right.

Except according to the CDC, 94% of those deaths are from contributing conditions. These aren't healthy people dying from covid.


You could die from cancer or something, but if you had covid at any point in time, you're a covid death.

Oh yeah if you had influenza, get covid, and then die it was definitely due to the flu. Just because someone has other health conditions doesn't mean they were going to die regardless of covid.

I'm a moron

That's what you wrote, but longer.

Funny how flu cases have plummeted almost the same as covid cases rise.

Just because someone has other health conditions doesn't mean they were going to die regardless of covid.

Except it works the same way if you have cancer and have a blasted immune system, get the flu, and die. What are they going to put on the toe tag, the flu or cancer?

Funny how flu cases have plummeted almost the same as covid cases rise.

I love how conspiritards always jump to the dumbest explanation for anything. Maybe a population that is mostly wearing masks, social distancing, and quarantining would not have as many cases of the flu 🤔

Except it works the same way if you have cancer and have a blasted immune system, get the flu, and die. What are they going to put on the toe tag, the flu or cancer?

Oops you showed how you have 0 knowledge whatsoever of health because your anology proves my point. The answer is the flu. It's why when people with aids die, it's called "aids-related illness" and not aids.

Maybe a population that is mostly wearing masks, social distancing, and quarantining would not have as many cases of the flu

But I thought nobody was wearing masks and not social distancing and thats why we had to lock down for a year.

Which is it?

Oops you showed how you have 0 knowledge whatsoever of health

I already quoted you so I'm not sure why you're repeating what I said about you.

The answer is the flu. It's why when people with aids die, it's called "aids-related illness" and not aids.

So why weren't we in lockdown for the aids epidemic because people with aids could have died if they got the flu?

I hope you listened to your lord and savoir dr fauchi today (mask be upon him) and shoved a plug up your ass to stop covid from spreading.

Cases would've risen more without some people following guidelines you literal rslur. Obviously number of covid cases increased, but at a lower rate and lower peak. Plus, flu is not as infectious as covid, so having X% of the country follow covid guidelines significantly reduced flu cases while having a lesser effect on covid.

So why weren't we in lockdown for the aids epidemic because people with aids could have died if they got the flu?

Holy shit lmao. Thankfully your mental condition can only be spread the same way aids is spread and not how covid spreads.

Cases would've risen more without some people following guidelines you literal rslur.

Why would people not following guidelines go out of their way to get tests? Weird.

Maybe in your seething little rant you can come up with some sort of intellectual consistency?

Holy shit lmao. Thankfully your mental condition can only be spread the same way aids is spread and not how covid spreads.

You insult me but its YOUR example we're using in the argument.

Good job calling yourself stupid B) lol owned.

I think it's really jerking yourself off to call it an "argument." I see this as charity work for the differently abled.

I think it's really jerking yourself off to call it an "argument."

Then stop eating up all my cum then, you dork.

I see this as charity work for the differently abled.

I'm glad you find my cum charitable C:

Ha cum. Good one sweaty, let me put it on the fridge

Don't you mean in the fridge to save it for later? B)

These are the same people that hate cops and banks but now cheering a bank calling for cops to remove a lady. Despite being batshit.

The covid fear conditioning on the people has been successful.

She is karen how could this go any other way?

I really rofled that mao when she tried to speak Spanish. What was the point behind that anyway?

She's an old white woman. She expected someone to help her. She thought maybe if she reached out to her Latino amigos they'd rally for her.

She doesn't realize that times have changed and a stranger either doesn't care about her or actively hates her.

"This is police brutality!"



"No it isn't."