I suggested a distant cousin name her daughter Alraune,and now her mom is mad at me.

1  2021-03-16 by mechakingghidorah

I also told my mom if I ever have a daughter,that Sapphire might be on the table as a name.


Name your kid Mercedes.

I used to work with a woman who had two kids named Benz and Royce

named Benz and Royce

Makes me more and more in favor of a name list like Germany has.

Names not on the list, it can’t be their kids legal name.

Aw come on. You're barely sapient if you aren't tickled by the r-slurred names given to the spawn of the American working poor.

You aren't talking about the strong and proud tradition of illiterate apostrophe-riddled names of the melanoids, are you?😡

Excuse but those are called “commas to the top” you classist asshole.

GOOD point. I will give my house and Wife to a BiPoC to repperate 😩

That's what the word is, the manufacturer named the company after his daughter.

Consider Polyxena. Very aristocratic name.



