Radical centrist rustles jimmies on Twitter with a special guest appearance from crystal mommy

1  2021-03-16 by Chessen113


Did you know there isnt a L4K subreddit?

I am once again asking for a LoveForX subreddit

It's possible that I just created one. Not that I would ever link it here, of course.

Yay, another half-dead gimmick sub with one joke. Another are drama hit.

So I guess you aren't interested in joining LoveForGimmickSubs then.

I don’t Marianne Williamson? Also Kissinger deserve all the grave restructuring he gets.

Kissinger is a king for generating seethe a half century later

nobel peace prizes are good ways to judge who are the best people

Allende was an incompetent micro-tyrant and he unironically got what came to him, cmv.

He was merely following in he footsteps of all the other latin american leaders who came before him.

Pinochet and Allende were both Hispanic white, but point taken

No. Stop appropriating Hispanics for your race.

I swear these sneaky Argentines are trying to everything to can to avoid getting lumped with the mayos

Why is everyone trying so hard to avoid all this privilege?

A lot of people are telling everyone that I have a very large penis and I just want to say it isn't true. I have a very modest member, but I thought I should tell you what many people are saying, in case you hear I have a very large penis and start to believe that's something I want spread around.

Having privilege is a bad thing on twitter

I don't know about that. Economic privilege seems like a very good thing on Twitter and everywhere else.

It's just this white privilege that no one seems to want, online or IRL.

Tankies just hate Kissinger for splitting China off from the Soviets and thus beginning the end of the cold war.

Its not like they give a shit about dead vietnamese or Cambodian people in any other context