Rantz: Seattle Schools document say math is oppressive, US government racist

1  2021-03-17 by 911roofer


As an Engineer-cel i have a hard truth to tell. Its the same i tell every prospective engineer that asks for guidance. Math is used to weed out dumb kids. Dumb, as in, low IQ students. If youre having trouble in math you better try much harder or find another career that doesnt involve it. This new "math is racist" cancer is being spread to totally destroy the concept of meritocracy.

🍔-land leftoids are their unique brand of sperg.

Normally I'd agree with hating on wokies, but this is a very misleading article.

That's not how prison sentences work. And personality tests have nothing to do with math. And none of those things have anything to do with how math is taught in school.

Also, credit scores should be used to determine everything about a person's worth.

I honestly can't tell how you are this dumb.

That's not how prison sentences work

Yes, it literally is in many cases. Many justice systems have started using computer models to base sentencing on, models that consider a bunch of dumb factors and have yielded fairly awful results.


The use of computer algorithms in risk assessments have been touted by some as a way to eliminate human bias in sentencing. Although COMPAS and other risk assessment software programs use algorithms that are race neutral on their face, the algorithms frequently use data points that can serve as proxies for race, such as ZIP codes, education history and family history of incarceration.[2] In addition, critics of such algorithms question the methodologies used by programs such as COMPAS, since methodologies (which are necessarily created by individuals) may unintentionally reflect human bias. If the data sets being used to train the algorithms are not truly objective, human bias may be unintentionally baked into the algorithm, effectively automating human bias.

I get you think you're smarter than you actually are, but you aren't.

And personality tests have nothing to do with math

Except they do, when they're used in models to predict various things and judge qualifications for something.

And none of those things have anything to do with how math is taught in school.

The course being linked is specifically going over this problem:

. SWBAT explain how math and technology and/or science are connected and how technology and/or science have been and continues to be used to oppress and marginalize people and communities of color.

COMPAS is only used in NY, Cali, Broward County, and now Wisconsin. It's an attempt to be woke by removing racial bias that results in more bitching.

That's not sentencing people based on the crimes of their family members.

I get you're smarter than you actually are, but you aren't.

You said it wrong. You're stuuupppiiiidddd.

personality tests are math


math and science are oppressive

I know, that's the funny part.

Given your seemingly very low level of knowledge of math and this subject in general, I suggest you avoid it.

I don't know what this means, but it sounds like you have a sub-800 credit score. Gross

COMPAS is only used in NY, Cali, Broward County, and now Wisconsin. It's an attempt to be woke by removing racial bias that results in more bitching.

I don't give a shit where it's used - you tried to claim that this didn't exist, it does exist.

That's not sentencing people based on the crimes of their family members.

Except it literally is, it is in fact considering family history in your risk assessment - which absolutely plays a role in your sentencing, which is exactly what the math professor said.

I get you know you just got blown the fuck out of the water, but this double down isn't doing you any favors.

You said it wrong. You're stuuupppiiiidddd.

You outright lied.


Yes, they literally are when used in these models.

I don't know what this means, but it sounds like you have a sub-800 credit score. Gross

Take a seat.

I said prison sentences weren't based on if someone in your family committed a crime. They're still not.

And considering your rant about the right at the beginning, the fact that it's only being used by the blue team is pretty funny.

you outright lied

About what? That's exactly what you typed.

They literally are when used in these models

Nope, because personality tests still aren't objective data.

Take a seat

U talk like a Twitter girl

I said prison sentences weren't based on if someone in your family committed a crime. They're still not.

Are you actually going to try this lmao?

Here, let's go over what I said and you responded to you clown.

Denied a job because of a personality test? Too bad -- the algorithm said you wouldn't be a good fit. Charged a higher rate for a loan? Well, people in your zip code tend to be riskier borrowers. Received a harsher prison sentence? Here's the thing: Your friends and family have criminal records too, so you're likely to be a repeat offender. (Spoiler: The people on the receiving end of these messages don't actually get an explanation.)

This is what I said, to which you responded:

That's not how prison sentences work

Do you want to keep trying to double down here?

About what? That's exactly what you typed.

As shown above, that is a lie.

Nope, because personality tests still aren't objective data.

Is this satire?

U talk like a Twitter girl

Take a seat.

Are you going to double down?

I'm not going to keep repeating myself, but you can just mentally insert a copy and paste.

this is a lie

Nuh uh


The fact that you think personality tests are mathematical goes a long way towards explaining your odd use of words like fact.

Take a seat

Has your shrink discussed the possibility of transition with you?

This little game you're playing here after getting blown out of the water might help you save face, but we both know what happened here.

Your inability to understand how computer models and personality tests can be used is even more hilarious.

Take a seat kid, was fun trashing you.

we both know what happened

You mean as far as that typo you edited and then tried to claim I was lying about? Lmao very sad pizza.

Inability to understand...

Personality tests aren't math. The fact that you believe they are explains so much about your general misconceptions

Now let's get back to talking about the possibility of transition. Have you ever considered that there might be something behind the fact that you simultaneously hate women and act like one? Could that resentment come from a jealousy?

You mean as far as that typo you edited and then tried to claim I was lying about? Lmao very sad pizza.

Was no typo you clown.

Personality tests aren't math. The fact that you believe they are explains so much about your general misconceptions

When we apply personality test data to a mathematical computer model, what are we doing?

Was no typo

Do you realize how sad this is? You're better than this pizza.

When we apply personality test data to a computer model...

Sorting subjective data based on subjective criteria. I'm serious when I say that this view explains a lot about you. And you're not alone. It's pretty common amongst the segment of the "I love science!" crowd that doesn't actually have a STEM education.

Do you realize how sad this is? You're better than this pizza.

I honestly hope to god you are trolling.

Me: Family history is considered in sentencing.

You: That isn't how it works.

Me: He's the proof you are wrong and it is considered.

You: No I was right

Is this an accurate run down of how this happened?

Sorting subjective data based on subjective criteria. I'm serious when I say that this view explains a lot about you. And you're not alone. It's pretty common amongst the segment of the "I love science!" crowd that doesn't actually have a STEM education.

This is probably the most mentally ill and absurd thing I've seen you engage in, and considering how poorly educated and unhinged you are, that is a feat.

To be clear: The person saying math is being used here has a PHD in mathematics from Harvard.

Right here:

Denied a job because of a personality test? Too bad -- the algorithm said you wouldn't be a good fit.

When you write algos to sort employees based on various data - including personality test results, that is absolutely math you hobo.

Being denied a job because of a personality test is math

This is what pizzashill believes math is.

How are you this unhinged?


What is this?

Pizza + Shill = Dumb Dumb

Math everybody!

You lost bro, move on.

That's not sentencing people based on the crimes of their family members.

It is and much worse. Educate yourself: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/2702103-Sample-Risk-Assessment-COMPAS-CORE

Though I remember reading a paper that said that it's all marketing bullshit actually and that they got to within a few percent accuracy using only age and previous criminal history.

Oh, don't get me wrong. I think the whole thing looks disturbing.

But people being sentenced based on convictions of relatives and a judge being allowed to look at an algorithm that may include that while factoring in its limitations are two different things.

The fact that what it's weighing is a secret according to what I've read is even more disturbing.

The math doesn't lie. Immigrants are a bad investment.

Well the math actually says the exact opposite.

You can't even count to 100 Pizza.

Um, I'm not going to disagree with any of your points, but the article is talking about a K-12 school course that is way broader than what you are discussing. I mean the guidance is literally linked in the article. And mentions things like:

How has western culture appropriated math

Is it important to be right in math? Who dictates what is right?

At best this is a useless history/sociology class that doesn't belong in K-12.

At worst it will negatively impact our STEM numbers if it is counted as a math class.

If they wanted to discuss how fucked the criminal justice system is in America they could just have a criminology course.

There's a lot of stupid stuff in the course - but the overall goal is clear, and it's fucking math ethnic studies.

Most of the stuff in there is completely fine.

How has western culture appropriated math

While I disagree with how this is worded - it's basically saying we don't teach people about mathematical origins very well.

Is it important to be right in math? Who dictates what is right?

I read this differently - it's not saying math is subjective (which is how (assume you've understood it) but a general guideline for learning math, based on what followed:

What is the difference between being right and being a learner? ● What does it mean to make a mistake? In the classroom? In my home? In my community? ● How do mistakes facilitate learning? ● How do we derive mathematical truth?

It's basically talking about an over-focus on "being right" in the moment compared to learning the correct process and learning from mistakes.

Yeah, and maybe it's being pitched as a sociology or history course. I could definitely see it being offered at a college. I guess it just doesn't make sense to me to have it as a math course, because those are normally even more rigid than science courses where they will often talk about background.

I doubt it's a good idea for younger kids tbh. It isn't going to add anything of value.

Teaching them stuff like this isn't going to improve grades.

Teaching them stuff like this isn't going to improve grades.

Grades are racist anyways.

It's basically talking about an over-focus on "being right" in the moment compared to learning the correct process and learning from mistakes.

Pizza, your post here sounds exactly like people who struggle with math because they dont have the IQ to perform.

👏 Stop 👏 Teaching 👏 White 👏 Math 👏

The entire paradigm of western white mathematics is inherently discriminatory against marginalized groups. It conditions people to think that there is only one right way to do something and that there is only one answer to a problem. A world that factors in different cultures, values, and lived experiences is much less rigid than that.

Like most super woke bullshit the idea that math is "white" seems super insulting to minorities.

Lmao remember that thing about white culture from the Smithsonian? I spent a large amount of time on the right wing internet playing rightoid, and that was still the most racist thing I've ever seen.

I think that was the worst one I'd seen in a long time. Looked like something pol would have made.